Free fitness challenge. Aaaahhh! You guys – It's here! The Spring Slim Down Week 1 schedule is ready for ya with some surprises still to come!
Get ready for a CORETASTIC week!
This week we are putting a MAJOR focus on your core with lots of abs exercises to get you feeling strong so you can crush these next 4 weeks!
Everything You Need to Know
Get all the challenge deets HERE so you are ready to get your sweat on with TeamLSF tomorrow!
Post your "I'm In" graphic + Commit to your daily roll call check-ins
Post a you're I'm in graphic & tag 3 friends to join you in the challenge. Each day, post a pic (of anything!) on Instagram & use hashtags#LSFspringslimdown + #TeamLSF.Posting daily helps you stay accountable, inspires all the TeamLSF girls & gives you more chances to win the GRANDPRIZE and all the other goodness!!!
***Remember, if you're account is private we will not be able to see your posts***
Post your #LSFMadeItMonday inspo on Instagram! This is Week 1 Day 1 of our challenge and there is no better time to set new goals and share them with your team! The more love you give, the more support you'll get!
How to Prep for the Challenge
I want you to own the next 4 weeks so you can feel stronger and more confident than ever!Get all my prepping tips to make this challenge a game-changer!

Booty Lift
Workout Time (20 minutes)
3 Rounds of the Exercises + Optional HBSGW1D1
*HBSG babes, do these moves x1 to warm up!
Lunge to Squat x 15 (each side)
Start in a lunge, knee stacked over ankle. Open into a wide squat and repeat.
Squat Jumps x15
Start in a wide squat, heels in, toes pointed out.
Push off the toes to explode up, landing softly with weight in heels.
Lateral Leg Lift x 15 (each side with or without bands?)
Bend one knee and lean into it, keeping weight in that heel.
Flex your foot and squeeze glutes to lift opposite leg out to the side..
Clam x 15-20 (each side w/ or w/o bands)
Come onto your side, knees bent.
Keep ankles together as you squeeze and open knees.
Spring Slim Down Sweat Jams!
Every month TeamLSF brings a new workout playlist to get you moving. This month's has all the Spring Slim Down desert vibes to keep you motivated throughout the challenge.
5 Min. Poolside Crop Top Abs
Workout Time (20 minutes)
Video 4x + optional HBSGW1D2
*HBSG babes do 1-2 rounds of this video before your workout
When you finish the video, comment on YouTube with "i'm In!!"
Abs & Arms
Workout Time (20 minutes)
3 Rounds of the Exercises Below + Optional HBSGW1D3
*HBSG babes, add these moves as a third circuit to your workout
X Factor Crunch x 15 (each side)
Lay on your back, engage your core to lift and touch opposite hand to foot.
Dolphin Push-Ups x 15
Start in forearm plank with hands interlaced.
Lift your hips up toward the sky and lower back to forearm plank.
Oblique Jackknife x 15 (each side)
Come onto your side body with feet slightly in front of you.
Engage your core to lift your legs toward the sky and reach toward your toes
Tricep Dips x 15
Start in a reverse table top. Bend elbows to 90 degrees as yo lower your hips.
Press into your hands and squeeze your triceps as you straighten your arms.
Be a Fabletics VIP with me!

Fabletics was one of the very first brands I ever worked with when I started LSF and I have been a fan for years! I'm telling you, their leggings are everything! Everyone I've ever given a pair too is in love. They just hold you in all the right places so you can get your sweat on without worrying about anything rolling out.
The VIP program is MAJOR! If you like cute workout clothes and you want them for a good deal, this is it!
Checkout the deets below and sign up withme so you can sweat in style all spring long!

Abs & Cardio
Workout Time (30-60 minutes)
2 Rounds of the Exercises + 30-60 minutes LISS Cardio
Low Intensity Steady State Cardio(LISS)is a form of cardio where you stay at the same pace and intensity for the entirety of your workout. It's typically 30-60 minutes at a moderate pace and includes exercises like walking, jogging, yoga, swimming or hiking.
Side to Side Scissor Kicks x20
With hands behind head or under tailbone, tuck your pelvic as you lower your legs.
Engage your core and cross your feet right over left and left over right.
Side Plank Hip Lifts x 15 (each side)
Start in side plank. Lift your hips up an inch and down an inch.
Bicycle Crunches x30
On your back, lift your shoulders off the mat to twist opposite elbow to knee.
NEW Hypothyroidism VLOG is LIVE!
Full Body Blast
Workout Time (20 minutes)
3 Rounds of the Exercises + optional HBSGW1D5
*HBSG babes, do these moves as a third round of exercises.
Plank Walks x16
From full plank, keep feet planted and walk right hand forward and inch, then left.
Move right hand then left back to starting.
Use an LSF booty band for added resistance!
Thread the Needle x15 (each side)
From side plank, thread your arm under opposite armpit as you lift your hips.
Rotate up to starting and repeat.
Lateral Lunge Jumps x10 (each side)
Start in a side lunge. Hop up and over to the other side, landing in a side lunge
Butterfly Reverse Crunch x15
Bring feet together, knees opened wide and hands behind head.
Exhale and crunch knees to elbows.As you lift your hips, begin to straighten your legs pushing toes toward the sky.
Bend knees and open and you lower back to start.
Meet My LSF Besties!
I know you've seen these babes in the new SSD Video and you'll be seeing them a whole lot more throughout the challenge. Two more girls means two MORE smiles cheering you on, and two different body types to help keep you motivated to reach YOUR goals. Get the scoop on two of my besties here
Abs + Cardio
Workout Time (30-60 minutes)
2 Rounds of the Exercises + 30-60 minutes LISS Cardio
Plank Knee Taps x 15 (each side)
From forearm plank, keep core tight as you bend one knee at a time to "tap" the floor.
Double Leg Lifts x 20
Place your hands under your tailbone to support your lower back.
Lower legs as far down as you can without lifting your back.
Draw your belly in, exhale and lift the legs back up.
Butterfly Crunches x 15
Bring your feet together, knees open wide and hands behind your head.
Lift everything off the mat to meet knees and elbows in the middle.
3 Chia Recipes to help you Debloat!
I get a lot of questions about how I eat and what I eat, and aside from all the goodies I share in the HBMP and Guiltless Nutrition Guide, these are 3 recipes that will keep you full, help with digestion AND help you de-bloat.
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Prep & Stretch + optional HBSGW1D7
Meal Prep 101
Take 15 minutes to just stretch it out and foam roll today to recover.
Get the skinny on meal prepping. Believe me, it doesn't have to mean hours carved out of your weekend or tiny glassware containers taking over your fridge. These are simple ways to make prepping work for you so you can stay on track!
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