The Protein Matcha Latte Of Your Dreams


Seriously, girl. Your day's about to get a whole (matcha) latte better with this post-workout protein-packed goodness!

Isn't Protein a Dude Thing?

OMG. No! I totally thought this when I first started getting in shape, too, so I completely relate. Only bros with their protein shaker attached to their hip at all freakin' times are the ones who needed protein after a workout, right? (I also half thought they did it just to look cool… and I'm still not convinced this isn't a factor.?)

But really, here's the deal, babe! Your body NEEDS protein all the time.Especiallywhen you're trying to build muscle.?

When you workout, you make microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. Don't be alarmed. This is all part of getting stronger. When those tears repair, your muscle is stronger than it was before. But in order to repair, you need to fuel your muscles with protein. This isespeciallyimportant in thefirst hourafter working out.

Your goal n√∫mero unopost-workout (after you finish stretching!) is to provide your body with an immediate fuel source to prevent it using your own muscle tissue for energy. Consuming protein will help repair muscleandencourage muscle growth.

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Save a Shake. Drink a Latte.

I love me a good protein shake, don't get me wrong. But I also love to switch it up! So I'm sharing my new fave green drank: a Protein Matcha Latte!

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More than "just" Protein

The beauty of this beauty?is that it's packed withmorethan protein. Protein is amazing and super necessary, duh. But there's so much more to love about this latte. Lemme break it down for you:

  • Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Matcha is seriously the best on the market. They're my go-to protein and the fact that they now make matcha, too? ?Life.Complete.
  • Matcha is so freakin' good for you! We did a whole post on this a while back but what I wanna highlight is that matcha has l-theanine which is the amino acid that helps give you that "calm alertness" that matcha drinkers always brag about. Basically, you get the high of caffeine without getting buzzy or crashing. Perfect for a morning pick-me-up before heading out for the day!
  • Ashwagandha. Uh, speaking of more amazingness that we gushed over recently. This natural stress relieving, thyroid supporting, memory & immunity boosting, blood sugar balancing… well, we could go on and on about this adaptogen. And we have. Check it out here .

hot body, weight loss, lose 10 pounds, muscle recovery, tight hamstrings, muscle injury, fat burning, cellulite, get rid of cellulite, at home workouts, workout printable, free workouts, matcha latte, protein shake, post workout

Get Your Latte On!

The Spring Slim Down Week 2 vid just dropped (below if ya missed it), and is the perf way to get your sweat on before enjoying this delish protein-packed-goodness!

Protein Matcha Latte




  1. Heat almond milk on the stove
  2. Pour almond milk into a blender with other ingredients
  3. Blend for 15-30 seconds to combine and add froth (you could just shake up or use a whisk to combine all the ingredients, but I swear the blender just makes it frothy-delicious… like coffee shop good!)
  4. Get your fancy on and top with some edible flowers (these are my faves right now) and enjoy!