Spring Slim Down Week 5

Slim Down

Eeek I seriously can't even believe it, but don't worry…we already have something amazing planned for when we're done! I've been loving scrolling through the #LSFspringslimdown hashtag and seeing all your check-ins and sweaty selfies. But, what I love most is reading about how much you've already changed, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Seeing your true self love and confidence grow is the most incredible thing ever and I'm so excited for you!

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Do this to get the BEST Spring Slim Down results…

  • spring slim down, workouts, free workouts, workouts for women, at home workouts, no equipment workouts for women, get slim, weight loss

1. Crush Your App Workout

Start with the LSF Premium App Plan. This is like the Hot Body Sweat guides on steroids. ? Want major results? … do these workouts.

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