Spring Slim Down Week 2


Weekly workouts. Hey Boo, It's your Spring Slim Down Week 2 schedule.

You crushed week 1 and I know those abs are like "whoah!" Now that you've got that core locked and loaded it's time to put it to work! Well….more work?We have another week of incredible workouts, more new recipes and GIVEAWAYS coming your way!

TeamLSF is all about love, support and women encouraging women. We want you to have everything you need to succeed in this challenge so we are setting you up with an accountability partner(s) to help you reach your goals.

We're making it easy for you to find new accountability parters below?but if you have girls you know already doing the challenge, ask them to join you too! You can have 2 or 22 girls in your group, we want you to get the motivation you need every single day. This is a great way to meet new friends in the community who'll have your back throughout the challenge and every sweat sesh after that!

We put together a fun accountability mini challenge for you and your new LSF BFF and we will be picking one group to WIN the LSF Guides at the end of each week!

Get Your Accountability Partner + Win!
  • Go to the LSF Instagram on Monday + Comment on this post with"I've Got You #TeamLSF?"
  • DM the girl who comments above you + introduce yourself. You're now partners!(And yes, you may have more than one which means even MORE support! So look out for a message from the girl who comments below you)
  • Complete the mini accountability challenge below throughout the week.
  • At the end of the week, send us an email at Contact@lovesweatfitness.com with you and your squads IG handles.
  • We will pick one group who completes all the mini challenges to win the LSF guide of their choice!

*Everyone in your accountability group must complete the mini challenges you'll see on the schedule each day. Comment on each other's #lsfrollcall posts to check-in and make sure your helping each other reach your goals!

Post your #LSFMadeItMonday inspo on Instagram! This is Week 2 Day 1 of our challenge and there is no better time to set new goals and share them with your team! The more love you give, the more support you'll get!

Abs + Thighs

Workout Time (20 minutes)

3-4 Rounds of the Exercises + Optional HBSG W2D1

*HBSG babes, do these moves x1 to warm up before your sweat guide!

Inner Thigh Leg Lift x 15 (each side with or without a band)

Laying on your side, bend your top leg knee and extend bottom leg long.

Flex your foot and lift with the heel toward the sky.

Plank Knee Taps x 15 (each side)

From forearm plank, keep core tight as you bend one knee at a time to "tap" the floor.

Clam x 15-20 (each side with or without bands)

Come onto your side, knees bent.

Keep ankles together as you squeeze and open knees.

Side Scissors x 20 ( each side)

Lay on your side and engage your core. Lift both legs off the floor.

Point your toes and scissor your legs front to back.

Oblique Jackknifes x 15 ( each side)

Lay on your side with legs slightly forward and engage your core.

Lift both legs off the floor as you reach toward them.

♥ Accountability Challenge♥

Post your daily #lsfrollcall check-in when you finish your workout. Like + Comment on your partners post with a someencouragement! "Get it boo???"

The Fabletics VIP program is MAJOR! Get the deets and sign-up with meso you can sweat in style all spring long!

Prettiest Pre-Workout Fuel EVER!

We loved seeing all the bowls you girls were making last weekend. If you have't tried this recipe yet, give it a go this week. It's a "better for you" version of a smoothie bowl that makes for a perfect pre-workout snack!

NEW Bootylicious HIIT Cardio Workout

Workout Time (25 minutes)

Video 4x

*HBSG babes do this for your workout today!


Like + Comment on YouTube w/ "BOOTY" when you're done!

Working for those daisy dukes…

♥ Accountability Challenge♥

Comment on your partners #lsfrollcall check-in with how your feeling and when you're planning to workout today.

Workout Time (20-30minutes)

Week 2 Day 3 Hot Body Sweat Guide

If you don't have your Hot Body Sweat Guideyet, now's your chance to try it out! You will see why so many LSF girls LOVE this guide& use it to get amazing results (psst check out the reviews)

Round 1 

(1-2 minute Recovery between each round)

♥ Accountability Challenge♥

Find a picture you LOVE in your girls feed and comment with a loving compliment. Our LSF version of #WomanCrushWednesday

Abs on Fire

Workout Time (15-20)

Video 3-4x+ Optional HBSGW2D4

*HBSG babes, do these moves x1-2 before your sprints!


*ps… there is a workout start time in the description on YouTube for this video

♥ Accountability Challenge♥

You and your partner comment on another #TeamLSF babes #lsfrollcall check-in. Search the hashtag, Say hi and see if they've found an accountability partner yet…if not, ask them to join your squad!

Post-Sweat Sesh Protein Matcha

Full Body Sculpt

Workout Time (20-30 minutes)

3-4 Rounds of the Exercises + Optional HBSGW2D6 Hot Body 100

*HBSG babes, do these moves 1-2x to warm up for your HBSG workout.

Dolphin Push-Ups x 15

Start in forearm plank with hands interlaced.

Lift your hips up toward the sky and lower back to forearm plank.

Double Leg Lifts x 20

Place your hands under your tailbone to support your lower back.

Lower legs as far down as you can without lifting your back.

Draw your belly, lift and tuck your legs to lift hips off the ground.

Lunge to Squat x 15 (each side)

Start in a lunge, knee stacked over ankle. Open into a wide squat and repeat.

Tricep Push-Ups x12

On your knees or toes, tuck your pelvic & engage your core.

Keep elbows pointing back and tight along your side as you lower.

Squat Jumps x15

Start in a wide squat, heels in, toes pointed out.

Push off the toes to explode up, landing softly with weight in heels.

♥ Accountability Challenge♥

Get your drink on guuurl! ?Post a selfie with your water bottlefirst thing in the morningand share how many you plan to drink today (2,3, a whole gallon!?!) Comment on your partners post to check-in and see if they did it!

NEW Dance Cardio Workout! + LIVE on INSTAGRAM

**Video will be uploaded to YouTube on Saturday 4/13 7am EST**

Workout Time (20 minutes)

Video 3-4 + LIVE



♥ Accountability Challenge♥

Find a recipe you love on LSFor from the LSF Plan.Make it and share you pics for your #lsfrollcall check-in. Comment on your partners post and ask them how it was (we are going to guess…delicious!)?

Active Rest Day
Workout Time (30 minutes)
30 minutes LISS / strech

Take 20-30 minutes to go for a long walk and keep your muscles relaxed, Then spend some time just streeeeetching it out after.

♥ Accountability Challenge♥

Post your best Sunday rest and prepping tips for your #lsfrollcall check-in. Comment on your partners with your favorite tip and/or one they should try!

Get moving babes! You are probably feeling real sore today. That's a good thing! That means the change is happening!!

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