Weekly workout Weekly workout. Are you babes following the LSF Plan? If not, what are you waiting for?
It is the absolute BEST way to truly make a lifestyle change with #TeamLSF! Get the motivation, support and step-by-step plans you need to make it last!
Add your daily workoutsin to your guidesas a bonus and your body will be stronger than ever!

Before You Start this week…
Know what LSF is all about and how to get the most out of your weekly workouts. Checkout your exclusive Sweat Starternow!

Get your motivation on &Commit to your check-ins!Post a pic (of anything!) on Instagram each day & use hashtag#TeamLSF. Posting helps you stay accountable, inspires all the LSF girls & gives you more chances to win prizes!
This months prizes are all about SUMMER! Think sand in your toes, warm sun on your skin, bikinis, beachy wave – YASSS!
Start right now and post your #LSFMadeItMonday goal/update on IG. Writing it down and putting it out in the universe is a great way to make sure you stick to it! We've got your back girlfriend.
NEW Hot Body GuidesFAQ's!
If you're ready to make serious change and show off your strong, fit, confident self, grab your guidesstat!
♥ Before you start…
- Post your#LSFMadeItMondayon Instagram& share your goal for this week with your team!
Search the hashtagon Instagram to give some other LSF girls encouragement to get their week started!
Time to debloat from the 4th of July parties and weekend fun!
Oh hey there sexy arms! These are some of my FAVORITE moves to target back fat, bra bulge and all those annoying little spots around your arms and back you want gone!
♥ Before you start today… Post your #LSFWhoAreYouChallenge
This was started by one of the awesome LSF girls and I love it!! Post a picture of yourself and answer these questions in your caption. Make sure to tag @TeamLSF & Hahstag #LSFWhoAreYouChallenge
- What's Your Name?
- Where in The World Are You?
- Tell Us Something That Made You Smile Today.
- What's Your Favorite Way to Exercise
- Name Something You're Really Really Good At.
- What Part of Your Body do You Like Best?
- What Super Power Would You Like to Have?
Cardio Time! Cardio is a great way to burn calories and catch up on your favorite Netflix show…I know I'm not the only one!
Spend 45-60minutes doing LISS cardio today. This can be at the gym on the treadmill, stairs or elliptical. You can go for a hike, swim or walk. Or take a fun cardio based class like yoga flow or zumba!
LISS: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio
Hustle for the muscle girlfriend!
Try Making Watermelon Juice tonight!

Best Pre-Workout Drink Around!
No matter where you're at in your Hot Body Sweat Guide, I want you to stop, drop and give me a Hot Body 100! I know you can do it girl! Even if you need to break it up or slow it down challenge yourself to make it through…then do this 3 min lower abs workout!
Try this yummy Hot Body recipe tonight!
Oven Baked Salmon with Summer Salad
This is a SUPER quick dinner that's perfect for spring! You can switch up the salad and make it with your favorite fruits of the season!
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