Free workout schedule. Weekly workout 14. I'm so proud of you girl!
It takes 21 days to create new habits and you've stuck with your new years goals, good days and bad, for a full 3 weeks now! That means you're on your way to creating a new healthy lifestyle with TeamLSF this year!

Each day you'll have a set of exercises or a video to complete plus the Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout for that day. Whether you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle or just create a healthier lifestyle, we are giving you the tools you need to make it happen.

The LSF Planisn't just a nutrition plan or workout guide, it's a lifestyle makeoverthat will build strength and confidence emotionally, mentally and physically. We are working together to grow from the inside out. If you ever feel frustrated or discouraged, we've got you! You now have thousands of women in the Love Sweat Fitness Community that will have your back and lift you back up on your feet. When you're crushing your workouts and reaching your goals, well will be here to cheer you on.
We sweat together and we celebrate together!
Roll Call!
There is a Sweat Babe prize with your name on it at the end of the month! Stay accountable to yourself and your team by using the hashtags#LiveGuiltless+#TeamLSFall month long when you post on Instagram.
Post your#LSFMadeItMondayon Instagram.
Legs + Booty
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Beginner Booty 1x + optional HBSGW4D1
Pump up that January Playlist!
5 Tips to Get & Stay Motivated

Yoga Flow
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Yoga Postures Below + optional HBSGW4D2 + optional 20 minute walk
*Flow from one exercise to the next holding each for 3 full breathes. Then complete the second circuit in the same way.
Flow 1

Flow 2

**Remember, what you do on one side, you need to do on the other side…
Arms + Abs
Workout Time (15-20minutes)
Video 1x + exercises below 15x (reps) each + optional HBSGW4D3

Best Essential Oils for Anxiety

Full Body Yoga Sculpt
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Video 1x + optional Hot Body 100 from Sweat Guide + optional HBSGW4D4
Abs + Booty
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Do the exercises 15x (reps) each + optional HBSGW4D5

*Remember, what you do to one side, you need to do to the other side.
Abs + Cardio
Workout Time (30 minutes)
Do the moves below 15x (reps) each + 20 minutes of HIIT or LISS cardio + optional HBSGW4D6

*Hold your forearm plank for 60 seconds
Optional HIIT Cardio Workout!
Active Rest Day
Stretch it out babe + optional HBSGW4D7
Show your body some love today! Rest, Prep and stretch it out!
Spend 10-20 minutes doing the stretches below, and any others stretches that make your body feel good! Hold each for about 1 min.

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