Weekly workouts. Make it a lifestyle!

Cheers to another week your your team! So we are three weeks in. Those 21 days mean you have totally started to create a new healthy habit, but now is the time to make it stick. We want you to live your best life EVERY single day. That means finding your version of a healthy, happy, hot body and creating a balanced lifestyle that works for you! The LSF planjust makes it so easy!! Get your sweat on, eat well, have tons of fun and #LiveGuiltless!
Arms + Abs
Workout Time (20 minutes)
Each Video 2x+ Optional HBSG W4D1
*HBSG babes, do each video 1x as an added bonus to your Sweat Guide workout!
♥ Accountability Challenge♥
Guess what day it is? #LSFMadeitMonday!! Post which workout you're most excited for this week! Comment on your accountability partners post & be her hype girl?!
NEW Inner + Outer Thigh Barre Bootcamp
**Video will be uploaded to YouTube on Monday 4/23**
Workout Time ( approx. 25 minutes)
Video 2x+ Bonus 30 min LISS cardio + Optional HBSGW4D2
*HBSG babes for 1 round before your Sweat Guide cardio today.
Like + Comment on this video on YouTube with your favorite move when you're done.
♥ Accountability Challenge♥
Taco Tuesday anyone? Do you and your accountability partner both LOVE tacos as much as we do? Get your squad and all try to make Katie's Healthy Fish Tacosfor dinner!You can totally swap for tofu too!
Snap a pic in your story and tag your accountability partner(s).It's like cooking with a virtual friend!
Arms + Abs
Workout Time (20-30minutes)
Video 2x + 2 rounds of the Abs exercises below + Optional HBSG W4D3
*HBSG babes add 1 round of each to the end of your Sweat Guide workout today.
Double Leg Lift x20
Place your hands under your tailbone to support your lower back.
Lower legs as far down as you can without lifting your back.
Draw your belly in, exhale and lift the legs back up.
Side Plank Hip Lifts 16x each side
Start in side plank. Lift your hips up an inch and down an inch.
Butterfly Reverse Crunch x20
Bring feet together, knees opened wide and hands behind head.
Exhale and crunch knees to elbows. As you lift your hips, begin to straighten your legs pushing toes toward the sky.
Bend knees and open and you lower back to start.
♥ Accountability Challenge♥
Remember last hump day?? We set some new goals? DM or Comment on your girls last post and check in!See how they're doing with those goals and what you can do to help them crush them!

Workout Time (20-25 minutes)
4 Rounds of the Video + Optional HBSGW4D4
*HBSG babes do this instead of your Sweat Guide cardio workout today.
#tbt to when you found LSF! Comment on your accountability partners #lsfrollcall how you found LSF and how long you have been apart of this ah-mazing community!
Flat Abs + 3 Weekend Recipes to Try!
Workout Time (15-20 minutes)
Exercises 3-4 rounds + Optional HBSGW4D5
*HBSG babes add 1 round to the end of your Sweat Guide workout today.
Plank Knee Taps 15x (each side)
From forearm plank, keep core tight as you bend one knee at a time to the floor.
X Factor 15x (each side)
Lay on your back, engage your core to lift and touch opposite hand to foot.
Oblique Jackknifes 15x
Come onto your side body with feet slightly in front of you.
Engage your core to lift your legs toward the sky and reach toward your toes.
Bicycle Crunches x30
On your back, lift your shoulders off the mat to twist opposite elbow to knee.
What are your weekend plans babe? Tell your accountability buddy and brainstorm ways to sneak in a workout to those plans! Go for a walk with a friend to grab coffee or take a sunset walk with your after dinner. Getting creative is so much easier with a friend!
Full Body Burnout LIVE
Do this workout LIVE w/ Katie, Ali & Natalie on Instagram at 10:30am PST
Workout Time (20-30minutes)
3-4 Rounds of the Exercises +BONUS 10 min HIIT sprints+ Optional HBSG W4D6
*HBSG babes, do 2 rounds of these moves before your LISS today.
Inch Worm 10x
Start standing, hinge from the hips and walk out to plank.
From plank walk hands back to feet and stand.
Narrow Arm Push-Ups 10x
Start in high plank (on your knees or toes).
Bend at the elbow, keeping them tight at your side as you lower your body toward the floor.
Exhale and push back to starting position.
Crunch 12x (each side)
Start feet wide, heels in and toes out. Squat low, reach overhead.
Engage your core and crunch knee to elbow, repeat.
Squat Jumps 15x
Start in a wide squat, heels in, toes pointed out.
Push off the toes to explode up, landing softly with weight in heels.
Boat Pose Twist 30x (each side counts as 1)
Start seated on the floor. Lean back keeping chest lifted and core engaged.
Keep feel on the floor or challenge yourself and lift them. Twist side to side.
Bicycle Crunches 30x (each side counts as 1)
On your back, lift your shoulders off the mat to twist opposite elbow to knee.
♥ Accountability Challenge♥
Comment on your squads last post and see if they are joining in for the LIVE workout today!
Active Rest / Self-Care Sunday
Time (45 minutes)
30 min LISS + Strech, Meal Prep & RELAX
Get outside and take a walk or go for a hike for 30 minutes then spend 15 minutes stretching it out.
Take a bath, get a massage or stretch it out. You've been killin' it these last 4 weeks and only have 1 more to go babe!
If you haven't started the LSF nutrition plan yet, girlfriend THIS IS THE TIME. We feel our absolute best when we're sticking to the Hot Body Meal Plan& Guiltless Nutrition Guide and we know you will too. To help you push it next level this week we're giving you a sample of the HBMP. Yeahyou can eat a delish breakfast sandwich and still lose weight!Katie always does week 3 & 4 before a big shoot or vacation so if you want a push this last week, totally try that out!

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