It's the last week of the Refresh in 21 Challenge! Wild. You know what that means? This week is crunch time (literally AND figuratively?).

It means this is the week where you really have to choose what you want for your life. Because if now isn't the time you overhaul your habits to become who you want to be….then WHEN?!
No no, girl, no more waiting. THIS IS YOUR TIME! So take a look at this week's schedule and plan out when you're going to get your Daily 10 in each day. We all have ten minutes!
And if you're new to the whole Daily 10 thing? First of all…Hiiiiiii! I'm so excited you're here! Second: the LSF Daily 10 are the three moves you see under each day of the week (in gif form). All you gotta do is 3 sets of each move to complete your +/-10 minute workout.And you can get more deets on it here.
Let's get it?

LSF Daily 10: BOOTY
Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes)
HBSGLegs & Booty Workout + LSF Daily 10
Reverse Lunges — Double Pulse Squat — Rainbows
Share your goals for this final week of the refresh! Anything minor and/or major! Tag a babe or two to hold you accountable.

LSF Daily 10: ABS
Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes) + Belly Pooch Vid
HBSGArms + Abs Workout + LSF Daily 10
Scissor Kicks — Side Plank Elbow Tap — Plank Reaches
Treat yo'self Tuesday! Try one of our new snack ideas, and get all the healthy fats you need to keep you full and avoid cravings! Tag us and we'll share some of our fave creations!

LSF Daily 10: ARMS
Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes)
HBSGCardio Workout + LSF Daily 10
Army Crawlers — Dolphin Push-Ups — Spider Crunches on Knee
We're switching things up this week! Plank it out for as long as you can, snap a sweaty selfie, and tag a babe to go next! #LSFTagYoureIt

LSF Daily 10: ABS
Each Move x10/ Each Side | Repeat x3 (10 minutes)
HBSGCardio Workout + LSF Daily 10
Side Plank Elbow Tap — Mermaid Crunches — Heel Taps
Thirsty Thursday! ?Try one of our OG LSF smoothies here! Share on IG and don't forget to tag us!

Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes)
+ New 7min Cellulite Workout Vid (uploaded to YouTube Monday)
HBSGFull Body Workout+ LSF Daily 10
Tricep Dips — Double Knee Taps — Squat Jumps
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