Summer Workout Routine. Can you believe we are already jumping into the second half?! Amazing!
Last week we started to follow a similar workout schedule to the Hot Body Sweat Guide. We will stay on that track so you can start to get a feel for what the guide is all about. Check out your week 3 workout schedule below | Summer Shape Up
These challenges are an incredible way to get your body ready totake it to the next levelwith the HBSG. If you feel like you've struggled to lose those last annoying pounds, you've hit a plateau or you just can't find the motivation you need to get started, I feel ya girl! I've so been there which is why I know the Hot Body Guidesare exactly what you need!
Unlike other guides, theHot Body Guides give you constant motivationright there on the pages as well as from your #TeamLSF on Instagram every day. Each week you will be challenged to push harder as you build more strength and endurance. I love that you can do them at home without any equipment, but also that they teach you how to add weights to the workouts when you are ready to push-it. They're reallythe only tools you need to burn fat, push past plateaus, build lean muscle andfind new strength and confidencein yourself.
Legs & Booty
What's your #LSFMadeItMonday goal for the week? Have you posted it yet? Make sure you also use the #LSFSummerShapeUp hashtag and tag @lornajaneus + @lovesweatfitness so we can come check it out!
Mondays are for legs & that booty! In the guide, day 1 of each week starts with legs and booty. I did this because they are typically our strongest muscle groups. We can hit them throughout the week and they will recover and be ready to rock again.
Sumo Squats x 15
Donkey Kicks x15 (each side)
Curtsey squatx15 (each side)
Fire Hydrantx15 (each side)
Apple Crumble Porridge (aka delish Oats)
OMG so good! You can easily double or triple the recipe to have oats ready to go for the entire week! Get the recipe from Lorna Jane here
Cardi-Yo Day
Today we are doing a little mix of cardio and yoga to help stretch your body and build endurance.
♥ Before you do anything else, go follow the @TeamLSFpage on Instagram to see what your fellow sweat babes are up to!
Spend 20-30 minutes doing LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio. These are things like walking, swimming, hiking, stairs or a light jog.
Then hit our Sunkissed Yoga Flow a few times to finish off your day!
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