Spring fitness schedule
Another week down!!! We can't believe we're heading into week 3 of SSD. Is this challenge flying by or what?? We're so proud of all of the hard work you are putting in every single day. That's where you're going to see that transformation üí™
We're also jumping into week 2 of the Hot Body Meal Plan! If you haven't started focusing on nutrition yet, you need to. The Hot Body Meal Plan is exactly what you need to lose weight and build lean muscle. It's not too late to start the plan - grab it and jump in!
Want a sneak peak of what's inside?? ......Yeah, that's healthy. Grab yours now!

Let's do this! Here's your Spring fitness schedule.
Access the Free Daily 10 in the LSF app! Download on your itunes or google play stores.
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFMadeitMonday: Write a compliment on your mirror so you can see it everyday this week! -@margauxlecuyer
Have you grabbed your yoga mat yet?
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFRollCall Do your favorite stretch exercise before breakfast, lunch, and dinner today!
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFRollCall: Drink an extra glass of water today! Tag a fellow LSF babe to do the same. #lsfchugchallenge
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFRollCall: Share something to IG that's been inspiring you lately!
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFFeelinYourSelfFriday: Share your favorite workout video from the library!

Sometimes when you're day is packed or you don't have any groceries to work with, lunch can feel like such a chore. Take out is the easier choice but not always the most nutritious.... That's why we put together 4 Healthy Lunch Ideas that AREN'T salad in this week's blog!! Find a ton of recipe ideas for the next time you're stuck on what to cook!
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFRollCall Head to the @TeamLSF IG today and share your favorite post of ours to your story!
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSFRollCall Organize part of your space. This will set you up for a peaceful week!
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