Strong Rears For A Happy New Year! Weekly Workout Schedule


Free workouts. This is it babe, our final week to sweat it out before 2018!

You've spent the last 21 days sleighing away and should be so incredible proud of yourself! It's only when we come together, as a team, that we are strong enough to push through and create change! For 21 days you made your health your #1 priority and that shouldn't stop now. This is just the beginning!

You know it takes 21 days to create a new healthy habits, but if you want them to stick, you have to re-commit every single day to put yourself first. Commit to taking time, even if it's only 10 minutes, to move your body. Commit to yourself and for yourself to follow your LSF plansinto the New Year so you can stop stressing about what foods to eat or exercises to do every day.

If you haven't already, download your plantoday. There is no better way to wrap up the year then knowing you have a clear plan to make sure 2018 is the year you totally crush your goals with #TeamLSF

I want you to be 100% confident that 2018 is going to be your year! Checkout the sample from the Hot Body Meal Plan below and grab yours today so you're ready to exceed your goals this year

Getyour28 Day Meal Plan

Commit to your daily #LSFrollcall check-ins on Instagram

The #LSFsleigh the holiday challenge may be over, but the best way to stay accountable is to check in with your team every single day! #Teamlsf

Post your#LSFMadeItMondayon Instagram and tell us the#1 thing you want to accomplish before the new year!

The Workout

I know it's Christmas, but why not sneak in a super quick workout before all the fun starts? You'll feel so much better if you do! This will literally only take about 15 minutes so you can basically do it while you're waiting for your coffee to brew?

Strong rears

Easy Workout for the Holidays

15 minute workout for your holiday travel time!

Get Back on Track

After a long holiday weekend and another right around the corner, it's important to make sure you're balancing out all the treats with healthy meals. This is a super easy, ridiculously delicious breakfast you can make that will have you feeling oh so good again.

Strong rears Savory Oatmeal Breakfast Bowl, guiltless nutrition, eat clean, easy breakfast recipes, breakfast recipes, healthy breakfast recipes,

Savory Oatmeal Breakfast Bowl

Stay full all morning long with this one!

The Workout

In just 20 minutes you'll burn about 250 calories and get your body working for you all day long! Plus, it will totally help you sweat out all those cocktails you had this weekend.

Repeat 4x

The Workout

This week we're focusing on the BOOTY! Our glutes are our strongest muscles in our bodies, but need a lot of attention in you want them to wake up and get to work!

Do these glute activationexercises first and then the workout below.

Complete video x1

Complete the video x3

Are You Eating These?

Check them out and share on Facebook & Pinterest! Your besties need these in their 2018 lives!

Strong rears

Foods You're Not Eating But Should Be

You heard it here first: the 5 superfoods of 2018!

The Workout

Today we are mixing it up and working both the upper and lower body. You'll tone your arms first with the new 5 minute arm workout and then complete the booty exercises below 3x each!

Complete video x2

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Donkey Kicks x20(10 each side)

Strong rears sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Knee Taps x15(each side)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Side Lunge Knee Raise x15(each side)

The Workout

And just like that we are heading into another holiday weekend! Let's start it off right with a full body workout. Still burning and earning those cocktails!

The Workout

The balance of strength and cardio workouts is the key to burning fat and building lean sculpted muscles. You've already done some serious HIIT cardio twice this week so today we're going to slow things down with LISS cardio and a few core strengthening exercises.

Hit your favorite trail, path or treadmill and spend 30-60 minutes walking. Grab a girlfriend and bring them along. The goal for LISS cardio is to find a pace that is comfortable enough to chat while you move. Might as well catch up with your bestie while you burn off the bubbles.

Strong rears sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Tuck Crunches x15

Strong rears sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Passé Crunches x15(each side)

Strong rears sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Toe Taps x10(each side)

The Workout

I love having Sundays as my active rest day. It gives me a chance to really regroup before the week, but sometimes you just need a little something extra.

If you're planning on heading out to ring in the New Year tonight, do this 10 minute flat abs workout first! You'll feel 100% more confident rocking that sexy sequined dress after you do!

Every NYE is another opportunity to reflect on all of the amazing blessings 2017 has brought. For me, one of the most incredible is watching how the Hot Body Meal Plan and Sweat Guide have changed my life and the lives of thousands of women, I've seen so many of my terrible symptoms of hypothyroidism FINALLY really disappear and for that I'm incredible blessed.

If you haven't seen my story, check it out below.

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