My 6 Favorite Foam Rolling Moves And Tips


foam roller benefits

You're busy. Girl I get it, but not taking time to stretch and foam roll after a workout is one of the worst things you can do for your progress. Your body is strong, but it's not invincible and if you want to be able to show up each day and crush your workouts, you need to foam roll!

I know it will feel a little weird or even painful the first time you foam roll. But stick with it! You'll get to a point where you can't imagine NOT foam rolling when your muscles are sore.

The foam roller benefits are sooo good, but the downside to foam rolling is the ACTUAL foam roller. Let's be honest, they're not cute. Literally all you can find when looking for one is cheesy neon colors or random shades of purple... who wants that? But we heard you, and we FINALLY did it. Yep, that's right. Say hello to the (super cute) LSF Foam Roller!

Once you get it, you're probably going to be wondering how to use it. Let's start with the basics.Psssttt... you can also shop it here.

How/where to foam roll

Foam rolling is super simple. All you need to do is lay with the body part you want to roll on the roller, then roll back and forth. (How many times can I say roll in one sentence?)

I've got more deets, plus a post-workout recovery routine, in this blog.

Try it for yourself! My favorite places to foam roll are my:

  • Glutes (obv very important during our Booty Challenge!)
  • Quads
  • Chest
  • Neck and shoulders (this one is awesome if you're feeling tight from stress!)
  • Hamstrings
  • Shins and calves

Play around with it. Really, it's all about finding what feels good in your body and gives your sore muscles some relief. Get ready to enjoy all of the foam roller benefits!

Seriously, I swear there's nothing quite like foam rolling to help sore muscles feel good. That's why we just had to make our own LSF foam roller!

Why foam roll?

Besides the fact that it feels good, foam rolling is really important for your recovery process. When you foam roll, you massage your fascia, the connective tissue that covers your muscles, stabilizing them. Basically, it gives you a way to get myofascial release without having to pay for a massage.

In this way, foam rolling helps to:

  • Relax your muscles
  • Stabilize your joints
  • Speed tissue recovery
  • Improve circulation
  • Correct any muscular imbalances
  • Reduce soreness

Basically, it's a powerful tool you can use to keep crushing those workouts and feeling your best!

And your butt is seriously one of the easiest places to foam roll. I'll put on my favorite show and sit on my roller while I watch it to get a ton of relief with pretty much zero effort. Grab our LSF foam roller and experience the foam roller benefits for yourself. When your booty's sore during our challenge, this is going to be just the thing you need!

My 6 Favorite Muscles to Foam Roll







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