Best Essential Oils For Reducing Anxiety


best essential oils!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This isyour year, girlfriend! And I'm back with another one of my favorite tried and true tips: essential oils. They are seriously so good for whatever ails ya!

With January, come resolutions and sometimes the anxiety that accompanies them. So, here are my 4 favorite oils to help reduce anxiety. They are perfect before a big test, an important meeting, or before flying. Or even just for unwinding before bed (which is how I use them nightly!). Honestly, they'll do the trick to help ease whatever gives you anxiety. These oils will not only help improve your mood, but also help you feel more relaxed.

My Blend to Reduce Anxiety

I use this combo nightly and whenever I'm traveling. Seriously, it is a key component of my night and it helps me really take a deep breath and relax in order to get the best sleep I can get.

Lavender is a calming oil that helps with inner peace, curbs irritability and tension while helping aid in getting you to a restful state.

Ylag Ylang is yet another calming oil that targets promoting cheerfulness while reducing agitation. It's really good at helping aid in sleep, and is considered a moderate sedative.

Bergamot…no surprise here, it's another calming oil! That's the theme, right?! This one promotes relaxation and helps with insomnia. Bergamot is found in earl gray teas, too!

Frankincense will also bring the calm vibe, and is thought to provide spiritual grounding (most of us have even ever heard of it from the 3 Wise Men's gifts anyway, right?!) so it's really a perfect oil to use during meditation, prayer, or just at bedtime.

I just pop these guys in my diffuser and let the waves of calm roll over me. I can feel the stress melting away and my shoulders relax. It just feels good! And I'm all about doing more of what makes you feel good. (It's actually a key component in my 5 Tips for a Healthier You— you can read the other 4 tips here!)

You can also EASILY add your oils to lotion or mix together to create a massage oil. I massage it into my temples before bed and it's just amazing!

Beyond Oils

My other best tip for ditching anxiety is… you guessed it! A good sweat sesh! Get that heart rate up, those endorphins roaring, and shake off whatever is ailing you. My favorite way to do that is with my Hot Body Sweat Guide, so be sure grab your guides if you haven't already!

Routines Are Key

I am big believer in routines. Routines are what humans thrive on, providing a sense of structure and familiarity; it helps your life make sense to you. This is extra important when you are feeling anxious, or even just trying to unwind and go to sleep. Feeling like your life make sense and is predictable, is a key component to helping ease your anxiety and release some of the stress that's holding you back.

Don't Let Anxiety Hold You Back!

If you're feeling on edge, shake it off with some tunes, a sweat sesh, and my tried and true combo to shake of that anxiety before an important event, including bed!

You got this, girl! 2018 is YOUR year, so keep crushing your daily goals, and keep checking in with #TeamLSF to get you through the tough times. And I'm thinking of making this a series on ways to use and love essential oils, so check back for more of my fave tips!

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