Get ready for the new year! Over the next 30 days, we're going to sweat it out, start the year with clean nutrition and get in lots of acts of self care during the brand new LSF 30 Challenge! This challenge is completely free and gives you 30 days of workouts, recipes and a 2 day detox, and tons of self care ideas! Get ready to kick off 2021 right!
Real talk... Can you dedicate 30 days for yourself? Like truly commit to showing up for YOU for 30 days straight? Then let's go! For the next 30 days, we're giving you everything you need to detox your body, get seriously motivated, and kick booty this year! The best part is, we've done all the prep work for you and designed this challenge to make it easy for you to start crushing your goals from day 1. All you need to do is show up and commit to yourself. You are SO strong and you are SO worth it - dedicate 30 days to YOU and see what you can accomplish. Sign up HERE!
Plus, we're doing things a little differently this year...
We're paying you to commit 30 days to yourself. Yep, you heard it right! Anyone who completes the 30 day challenge gets their next month in LSF the App completely FREE! All you have to do is fill your January calendar in LSF the App, share it, and COMMIT to 30 days for yourself TO GET 30 days free. If you need any more reason to stick to your New Year's goals.. ;)
We're also doing a special 30 day FREE trial for this challenge. Download the app, get 30 days free, log in your app calendar and get ANOTHER 30 days free. So, to keep it simple, you have a chance at 60 days completely free in the app. Yessss! Download the app here and start your 30 day free trial!
Nutrition on point: get a free 2 day detox meal plan!
If you want to see a full body transformation, you can't neglect nutrition. We know after the holiday season it's hard to transition away from those holiday sweets and treats. That's why we've put together a 2 day detox meal plan to help you reset after the holidays. Sign up for the LSF 30 and get it completely for FREE! It's got recipes, do's and don'ts for detoxing and so much more! Don't worry girl, it's not a juice cleanse ;)
After the 2 day detox we'll be doing the Hot Body Meal Plan together as a community! This is a 4 week meal plan with TONS of recipes and is so easy to follow. This creates no guess work so you can get your nutrition on point stress-free. Download it here!
Get ready for the LSF 30!
üíó Free 30 day fitness challenge
üí™ Free 2 day detox and healthy recipes
üíó Motivation and support from the LSF Community
üí™ New Year goal setting printables and worksheets
üíó $2,500 cash giveaway and the chance to get 60 days free in the LSF App
üí™ And so much more!

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