Weekly workout schedule. Oh heeeey October! Hope you all had a booty-ful weekend! It's officially a new month, new week and T-4 weeks until Halloween.
I refuse to let a single one of you slide into the holidays feeling less than amazing! We're getting ahead of them this month with new challenges, workouts and lots of HEALTHY new recipes!
Before you start this weekTake a few minutes to set a new goal. Not one that has to do with your weight (ie. losing 10lbs), but one that will help you live a healthier, happier, LSF lifestyle!
- Maybe it's FINALLY investing in yourself and getting the Hot Body Sweat Guide & Meal Plan.
- Maybe it's posting your daily check-ins EVERY SINGLE DAY so you can stay accountable.
- Maybe it's taking a moment every day to remind yourself WHY you're worth putting in all the hard work.
- Maybe it's to do the Bikini Ab Ladder every day from now until Halloween (That's what I'm doing!!)
Whatever it is, commit to it and share it with all us girls on Insta!You are 90% morelikely to actually do it if you write it down and share it with others. We've got your back girl!
Get your motivation on &Commit to your check-ins!Post a pic (of anything!) on Instagram each day & use hashtag#TeamLSF. Posting helps you stay accountable, inspires all the LSF girls & gives you more chances to win prizes!
Start right now!
Post your #LSFMadeItMonday goal/update on IG. This week is all about the core and we are going to you feelin' shredded.
?If you're doing the Hot Body Sweat Guide & Meal Plan, try adding 1 round of these exercises in each day to up your calorie burn and get those abs popping even faster!
Nice Buns Hun
Working your lower body burns more calories than the upper body so this week we are going to be showing that lower body some love!
Do 3 rounds (approx. 15 minutes)
HIIT to Fat Burner Button
Nothing like a little HIIT to get over the Tuesday blahs. Checkout the New LSF October playlist and get your sweat on with some sweet jams.
Do 4 rounds (approx. 25 minutes)
Tuesday's are tough… TREAT YOURSELF!

Make some delicious peanut butter protein ballsfor a perfect sweet snack that will curb cravings without getting you off track!
Resistance is the Key
If you are ready to take your buns next level, add a little resistance to your workouts for even more booty toning change!
Do 2 rounds (approx. 20 minutes)
Your Nutrition is #1
You can workout all day every day, but without the right nutritional balance, your body will get stuck. Jumpstart your metabolism and get fit with the Hot Body Meal Plan. 4 Weeks of step-by-step, easy to prep meals that are perfect for even the pickiest eaters.

Booty like Whoah?
These never gets old #TBT Perfect cardio workout + a little Burno Mars dance party will leave those legs feeling like whoah!
Do 1 round of each (approx. 10 minutes)
Lower Body Blast
If you have the HBSG you know that I LOVE compound movements. Those exercises that work more than one body part at a time so that you get the mosts out of your workouts. Today we're hitting the abs, butt and thighs in just 5 minutes!
Do 3 rounds (approx. 15 minutes)
Weekend Sculpt
This is your final push for the week! You'll sculpt and stretch your entire body in just under 30 minutes so you can get on with your weekend feeling like the incredibly beautiful, strong and confident babe you are!
Do 2 rounds (approx. 16 min)
You've been working it all week. Today I want you to take time to do some meal preppin', stretching, and checking back in with your goals.
Did you hit your goals for the week? If yes,YAY!!!If not, what do you need to do to make sure you do next week?
Post a pic on instagram and let us know how you did so we can help cheer you on and hold you accountable so next week you can crush some more goals!
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