Sweat babe crush. It's been a whole two weeks…but remember Spring Slim Down?

Aka the best time of year and most inspiring challenge LSF has ever done? Ya! pretty sure we will quite literally never. be. over. it. We're still obsessing.
Last week we were so excited to announce the SSD grand prize winner, the beautiful Laura! We shared a little of her story on IG, but wanted to give your all the deets of her progress. Because, in case you didn't notice, Laura saw some amazing changes in her body (and in her LIFE!), and it caught our eye on day uno. So without further ado, we present our 2018 Spring Slim Down ULTRA Sweat Babe Crush, the lovely Laura (you may know her as @larsgonefit_lsf). But first, you should know…
Laura lost 7.5 pounds in five weeks and several inches from her body measurements overall!??Check out her before & after pics below!

Name: Laura
Age: 31
Instagram handle: @larsgonefit_lsf
Her fave LSF workout: Toss-up between 5 Min Crop Top Abs(I fell in love with X-factors!) and Inner & Outer Thigh Barre Bootcamp(with LSF booty bands, duh!)
Fav LSF recipe: I need every day to be Taco Tuesday because I love the Healthy Fish Tacosthat much! For added fun, Katie's Guilt Free Go-To Cocktailis my drink of choice. #liveguiltless: )
How long have you been part of Team LSF?
About a year ago, I found Katie on Youtubeand started doing her workouts. I was immediately hooked and purchased the HBSG and HBMP bundle.I got about 4-5 weeks into the HBSGlast summer and was feeling great, but at the same time my job became extremely stressful and time consuming and also, my husband and I purchased our first home last fall so the last half of last year was in a nutshell very busy and chaotic. It's hard to complain about your company being successful, but we were so busy that all my time was being spoken for by work. Needless to say, I greatly neglected myself and was feeling miserable.
So at the beginning of 2018 I knew I wanted and needed to do something different – you know, New Year's resolution ; ) Well, that did not exactly work out as planned because once again I let the stress of my job take over… Well, door opens and in walks LSF SSDand I thought "heck yeah! this is my time and i'm in!" This time around I committed myself to not letting anything get in my way no matter how important I deemed it to be because ultimately nothing can be more important than me taking care of myself. I also joined the LSF communitythis time by creating my IG handleand it has helped in so many ways to motivate and keep me accountable. This was definitely a huge missing link from trying to start HBSG last year.
#1. I feelconfidentin myself. Seeing my body become stronger has given me great confidence in recognizing I'm capable of doing anything I set my mind to. Additionally, being a part of the LSF Community has allowed me to grow so much as an individual and be proud of myself.
#2. I have so much moreenergynow. Like it's crazy how my excuse before was "I'm too tired to workout" and now i'm pushing myself harder than ever and coming out with more energy. It's wonderful!
#3. I love thesisterhoodthat lies within the LSF Community. It is an amazing group of strong, beautiful and courageous women who have each other's back. I love that I finally joined and get to be part of such a supporting and loving group of women.
What made you sign up for the challenge?
I was ready for change! The Spring Slim Downcame in at the right time for me.. I wanted to get back to being good to myself and be the strong woman I know that I am capable of being.
Tell us about your Spring Slim Down Progress!
Mentally I'm feeling so sharp and full of energy. Also, I'm sleeping so much better. As one who suffers with panic attacks and mild bouts of insomnia, it has helped me tremendously to stick with my daily workoutsand treat myself with the kindness I deserve.
Physically I feel on top of the world. To the eye, I probably do not look much different, but I FEEL great and unstoppable. I want to keep pushing myself to grow stronger and I am so excited to see where this journey takes me.
What advice would you give to other LSF babes for getting amazing results like yours?!
Get a great night's rest
For me, it's all about getting restful, quality sleep to be my best for the next day. I try to stick to a sleep schedule (even on the weekends!) to ensure I get the right amount of sleep each day. Also, creating a relaxing bedtime ritual like soaking in the tubor treating yourself to a face mask is a wonderful way to unwind.
Stay hydrated
Drinking wateris absolutely vital for your body to thrive and perform. To keep myself hydrated, I keep a pitcher of infused lemon water (my fav!!) in the fridge and I carry my water bottlewith me everywhere I go. I guarantee you will see immediate benefits (like an abundance of energy) from drinking more water.(So basically, get on that hydration challengebabes!)
Fuel your body good
Eating healthy, nutrient dense foodsis key! Your body is like a machine and to function properly it needs to receive the right kind of fuel, otherwise you're not going to have enough energy to maximize your workouts. Plus, you will see other significant changes in your body like improved mood and glowing skin. Meal planningis my saving grace! I plan my meals weekly and create a menu that I list on the fridge. This way either my Husband or myself know what is for dinner and can quickly prepare it. Also, I like to use Sunday to food prep anything that won't spoil throughout the week. These strategies help us to easily transition into the work week and have healthy, delicious meals ready at hand.
Join and check-in with LSF Community
Joining the LSF Communityhelped in so many ways to motivate and keep me accountable. It truly was the missing link in my wellness journey. I love the sisterhood that is shared with Team LSF. It is an amazing group of strong, beautiful and courageous women who have each other's back. I'm so grateful to be part of such a supporting and loving group of women.
Don't give up
There are going to be days where you just don't feel up to the challenge and that's okay. Listen to your body. Be kind to your body. Take rest days without feeling guilty. But most importantly, don't ever give up! No matter how impossible it feels right now, you can do it! Let "I can do it!" be your mantra when pushing through what you believe to be the impossible.
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