Fitness Challenge. We are jumping right in to our third week of Spring Slim Down and you girls are absolutely crushing this fitness challenge!
We love seeing all of your posts doing the challenge and cheering on your other #teamlsf babes who are doing the challenge with you. Let's get excited for week 3: Sexy back + chest!
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Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFMadeItMonday Write down one small habit you are going to start this week and put it where you will see it everyday this week!

Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall We LOVE self loveShare one thing you are so proud of your body for on instas!
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall:You're bringin' sexy back! Do 5 extra reps each side of today's SSD bonus move

Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallThirsty Thursday! Add one lemon filled water bottle to your daily water goals
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall Celebrate #LSFFeelinYourselfFriday by putting on one item that makes you feel most confident! Work those heels or wear that bright spring lipstick

If you're stuck at home like most of us right now, gettin a good cardio sweat sesh in might sound impossible, but it's not. These are 4 at-home cardio workouts you can do for free that aren't running! Check it out on the blog here!

Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallSweaty Saturday Selfie! Grab a partner to do the Daily 10 with and share who you crushed your workout with!
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