holiday workouts. And just like that we're at week 5! I'm constantly amazed by this community.
Every time I'm looking through your posts and checking the hashtags I'm so inspired by the types of women LSF brings together. I love seeing the mix of girls totally motivated and the ones sharing the raw moments when they're not feeling their best. Those moments are hard, but then you see all the #TeamLSF babes rallying around them, encouraging them, and supporting them and that is remarkable.We're all so unique, but united by our passion to live a healthy, happy life, and that is something so special we all share.

As you head into week 5 remember, YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING!
I have a few favorite quotes I've clung to over the years that I share with you often, but one of my favorites is something I had to teach myself and it's something I want you to remind yourself of every day….
"Your fitness journey is less about what you lose and more about what you gain."
Yes, losing weight is awesome, but what you learn about yourself and the amazing confidence you gain by making those changes is irreplaceable.
xoxox Katie
Get Your Sweat On!
Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes) + Dance w/ Ali
HBSGLegs & Booty Workout
Sumo Squats — Bridge Hip Lifts — Ice Skaters

#LSFMadeItMonday:For the final week of #LSFSleigh (what?!?!), we want you to go BIGGER than ever before. If you can, try to pick one MAJOR goal, and a couple smaller ones. Write them down, and stick with it. We know you can do it
Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes) + Toned Arms Workout
HBSGCardio Workout + New Video
Plank Leg Lifts — Lateral Pull Downs— Push-Ups

#LSFRollCall:Want a super easy Wednesday morning? Prep tomorrow's breakfast and wake up with our Merry Matcha Chia Pudding!
Each Move x10| Repeat x3 (10 minutes) + Holiday HIIT (20 minutes)
HBSGArms + Abs Workout
Oblique Jackknife — Army Crawlers — Knee Tuck Crunch

#LSFRollCall:Mid-week challenge! PLANK it out. Whatever style works for your body – on your hands or forearms! Share a sweaty selfie with your time and tag 3 babes to challenge them! GO!
Each Move x10| Repeat x3 (10 minutes)
HBSGCardio Workout
Jolly Jumps — Side Lunge Taps — Lunge Jumps

Each Move x10 / Each Side| Repeat x3 (10 minutes)
HBSGFull Body Workout
Squat Kick — Bicycles— Ski Jumps

#LSFRollCall:Friday feels! What are your plans for the weekend?! Share how you plan to get your sweat in, especially if you're traveling!
Each Move x10| Repeat x3 (10 minutes) + Holiday HIIT
HBSGCardio Workout
Inner Thigh Leg Lift — Outer Thigh Push — Reverse Leg Lift

#LSFRollCall:Rewind to the #goals you set Monday. Comment on a babe's post to check-in with her and see how they're coming! Share one of her posts in your story with some encouraging words
Hold Each Move x30+ seconds| Repeat x3 (10 minutes) + Lazy Girl Workout
HBSGSelf Love Day
Child's Pose — Down Dog — Supine Twist

#LSFRollCall:OMG how is it over?!?!Spread the sweaty love to all your girls that kept you going (comments, shoutouts)!! These AMAZING transformations could not have been possible without all the love + support from your LSF team. But, don't worry, it's not over yet… we're just getting started. Make sure your @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF IG post notifications are on!
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