Sleigh The Holiday | Week 2


holiday fitness challenge. You know what's better than egg nog and gingerbread?

That feeling you'll get when you throw on your holiday party outfits after this weeks workouts!

I know things get crazy between holiday parties, happy hours and office treats, but you'll enjoy yourself more if you know that between all the cookies and cocktails you're totally sleighing! When you stick to your LSF nutrition planand daily workouts you can #liveguiltless every single day and feel confident in that tight dress, cookie in hand!

Getyour28 Day Meal Plan

Commit to your daily #LSFrollcall check-ins on Instagram

Post a pic (of anything!) on Instagram each day & use hashtags#LSFsleigh + #TeamLSF.Posting helps you stay accountable, inspires all the LSF girls & gives you more chances to win theSlEIGH THE HOLIDAY GRANDPRIZE!!!

sleigh the holiday

Sleigh the Day

Post your#LSFMadeItMondayon Instagram and tell us 3 things you want to accomplish this week! Meal prep, going for a run, checking off that Christmas list, etc. When you share what's happening in your world with your team, you get all the motivation you need to make it happen!

The Workout

Another week, another chance to sweat!If you've been following along with me we are starting Week 7 of the HBSG! I know your buns are feeling it with these bonus workouts and they're gonna look so good in the new year!

Repeat x3 or add these moves to Week 7 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today.

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Sneaky Elf Steps x15 (each Side)

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Bridge Hip Lifts x20 + x10 pulses at top

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Reindeer Kicks x15 (each side)

sleigh the holiday, daily workouts, weekly workouts, at home workouts, workouts for women, free workouts, holiday challenge

Sleigh the Day

Search the #LSFsleigh hashtag and comment on 5 #TeamLSF girls lasts IG posts. We can all use a little lift now and then and you're sweet encouragement might just be one another girl needs today!

The Workout

Do the video below + 30-60 minutes of your favorite LISS Cardio workout. Get outside and take a walk, go for a hike, hit your favorite dance class or zen out with some yoga flow.

HBSG BABES – DO Week 7 DAY 2of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today + Video x1
sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Sleigh the Day

Post a selfie on Instagram! Don't be nervous… a selfie is just your little way of telling the world that you are PROUD of yourself – and you totally should be! #TeamLSF #LSFsleigh

The Workout

+ Abs Exercises Below

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Single Leg Lifts x20 (each Side)

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Side Plank Toe Tapsx15 (each side)**Challenge: full side plank

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Reverse Lunge Rotation x12 (Each side)**Challenge: hold a weight in hands

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

High Knees x20

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Sleigh the Day

Invite your favorite babe out for a holly jolly holiday night this weekend! Cinnamon Hot Chocolate and Christmas lights? Yes, Please!

LSF Cinnamon Hot Chocolate

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

The Recipe:

1 cup unsweetened Almond Milk

1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tbsp monk fruit sugar or honey

1 cinnamon stick (optional)

*Warm milk in microwave or small saucepan. Add cocoa powder, sweetener and cinnamon stirring until smoothly combined. Add cinnamon stick to garnish.

The Workout

Hot Hot HIIT! Today you're going to torch those calories like a roasted marshmallow! Do 10 minutes of HIIT Sprints. These can be outside at the beach, your favorite park or on a treadmill. (25 seconds sprint / 35 second recovery)

Then repeat these exercises x3 or add them to Week 7 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today.

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Bridge Chest Press x15

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Knee Taps x15 (each side)

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Side Plank Tricep Press x10 (each Side)**Modify on your knee

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Sleigh the Day

Pour yourself a cup of tea (or bubbly), put your coziest pj's on and have a relaxing night in! Send an encouraging DM on Instagram to another LSF girl and tag her to pass on the love!

The Workout

OMG! OMG! OMG! It's T-10 Day 'til Christmas! Ryan and I have our annual Christmas party tomorrow and you're gonna die when you see the pics of my costume! Today We're doing a full body burner to finish the week strong and get ready to Sleigh the weekend!

Add these moves to Week 7 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Side Lunge Knee Raise x15 (each side)

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Tree Topper Jumps x10

, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Passé Crunch x15 (each side)

, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Diamond Push-Ups x10

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Full Side Plank Toe Taps x8 (each side)

sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Sleigh the Day

Try this NEW RECIPEand share it on Intagram! Make sure to tag @lovesweatfitness and @TeamLSF and use the #LSFsleigh + #TeamLSF hashtags so we can all come see the goodness!

Chocolate Almond Butter Blossoms

The Workout

Get outside!Rain, shine, snow or sleet, I want you to enjoy a favorite spot outdoors with someone you LOVE! (pssst… that could be with yourself!) Talk a walk, do some yoga or plan a holiday picnic with your bestie. Whatever you do make sure you enjoy yourself on thisactive rest day!

free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,


I haven't done a “What's in My Gym Bag” in over a year!! So crazy! Obviously I had to do one with the Limited Edition Vooray X LSF bag and we are giving 1 away! There are only about 10 left in stock so this is MAJOR!!!
sleigh the holiday | week 2, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Rock that Hot Body!

Week 2 DONE which means y

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