Sleigh The Holiday | Week 1


Holiday fitness challenge. it's finally here! I am SO beyond excited to start this new tradition with you girls this year!

Tomorrow morning we kick off our new annual Sleigh The HolidayChallenge!This21 day challengeis the perfect way to keep you feeling fit & healthy through the holidays. You'll wrap up 2017 feeling stronger and more confident than EVER and be ready to sleigh all day in 2018!

Just starting the challenge? Get everything you need to know HERE

Commit to your daily roll call check-ins

Post a pic (of anything!) on Instagram each day & use hashtags#LSFsleigh + #TeamLSF.Posting helps you stay accountable, inspires all the LSF girls & gives you more chances to win theSlEIGH THE HOLIDAY GRANDPRIZE!!!

How To Be Entered to Win?

#LSFrollcall daily on Instagram

  • Post Your "I'm Ready to Sleigh" graphic + tag 3 of your besties to join you!
  • The more you post throughout the challenge, the more chances you have to win!
  • Sound-Off each day and tag @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF
  • Use the hashtag #LSFSleigh
  • BONUS–Post side by side progress photos! Take your "before" pictures today and progress picture at the end. Post them side by side (Before on the left side) and tag @lovesweatfitness #LSFsleigh

***Remember, if you're account is private we will not be able to see your posts***

sleigh the holiday
Before you start, post this "I'm Ready to Sleigh" graphic with your #LSFMadeItMonday on Instagram and use the #LSFsleigh

The Workout

Yay! Yay! Yay! It's finally the day! The FIRST day of our #LSFsleigh the holiday challenge is here and we're ready to work for those gingerbread lattes and cinnamon rolls.?

Repeat x3 or add these moves to Week 6 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Curtsey Squat Knee Raise x15 (each Side)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Stand Up Squats x10 (each leg leads)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Reindeer Kicks x15 (each side)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Hip Lifts x20

Get Ahead of 2018!

sleigh the holiday, daily workouts, weekly workouts, at home workouts, workouts for women, free workouts, holiday challenge

The Workout

Yes you can work your abs every day and I do! I always do a few ab exercises to strengthen my core before a cardio workout so let's do it together today!

Do the exercises below + 30-60 minutes of your favorite LISS Cardio workout. Get outside and take a walk, go for a hike, hit your favorite dance class or zen out with some yoga flow.

Add these moves to Week 6 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Tuck Crunch x20

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Walking Plank x10 (each direction)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Passé Crunch x15 (each side)

sleigh the holiday, daily workouts, weekly workouts, at home workouts, workouts for women, free workouts, holiday challenge

The Workout

Today we're working the abs + arms. If you follow the HBSG you're used to seeing these two body parts paired together. It's the best way to build lean muscle and burn fat in these two super tricky spots.

Add these moves to Week 6 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Diamond Push-Ups x10 (option to be on your knees)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Triceps Push-Ups x10

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Plank Kickbacks x10 (each side)*option to be on your knees and/or add weights

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Scissor Kicks x30 *wrap those gifts girls!

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Butterfly Crunches x20

Halfway through the weekmeans you are committed to making this your best holiday ever and we LOVE that. It is SO important to fuel your body to see the best results, that means getting your eating on point. If you haven't already, download your LSF Hot Body Meal Plan today.We see amazing results every day from girls using the meal plan alone, imagine what you will do when adding it to your #LSFSleigh workouts?

sleigh the holiday, daily workouts, weekly workouts, at home workouts, workouts for women, free workouts, holiday challenge

The Workout

Thirsty Thursday! Make sure you are staying hydrated and drinking 2-3L of water each day. Keep your water bottleon hand always so you don't forgot to keep on sippin'

Eeeek!! I am so excited about todays workout!! We have brand newHOLIDAY SONG CHALLENGEand I know you are going to LOVE it!!
sleigh the holiday, daily workouts, weekly workouts, at home workouts, workouts for women, free workouts, holiday challenge

The Workout

Oh heeeey Friday! Alright girls, we're sculpting your entire hot holiday bod today. These exercises will target multiple muscle groups so you can burn fat and tone every inch.

Add these moves to Week 6 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Elf Jigg x50

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Inch Work Rotation x6 (each Side)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Single Leg Lifts x20 (each Side)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge,

Side Lunge Knee Raise x15 (each side)

sleigh the holiday | week 1, free daily workouts, free workouts, daily workout schedule, weekly workout schedule, workouts for women, at home workouts, fitmas challenge, workout challenge, holiday challenge, sleigh the holiday, daily workouts, weekly workouts, at home workouts, workouts for women, free workouts, holiday challenge

The Workout

Add these moves to Week 6 of your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

Get ready to#LSFsleighfat away with this30 minute HIIT cardio workout. High Intensity Interval Training strengthens your body, increases endurance and burns serious calories for hours after you're done sweating! You can 100% ditch the treadmill and do this workout outside (that's my favorite way!). Make sure you really push yourself during the sprints and walk it off in the rest time.

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Rock that Hot Body!

You did it babe! Week 1 is DONE! Take today to rest, recover and get your prep on!

We know you're feelin' amaze this week and it's just the beginning. Committing to your goals is the BEST present you can give yourself this holiday season so grab your Lifestyle Makeover Planand do a little "Merry Christmas to ME" happy dance!

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