Jordan. You know the struggle. You've got your health and fitness goals, but you really just don't know how to get there…
Cue your own personal trainer that you get to access anywhere, Love Sweat Fitness the appand workout guides! That's what the babes who participated in the 2019 Summer Shape Up challengeused and hellooo, did it work. Just look at Jordan Cornwellfor all the evidence you need!
Congrats to Jordan, who was a bonus runner-up winner for the 2019 #SSU grand prize.We spent some time with Jordan back in November in California, but now we're getting all the deets on just how she nailed this challenge! Follow her on Insta @fit.mama.jordan

What were your goals going into the challenge?
My goals were to continue to push myself and see where else I am able to grow. I think the mental growth is completely limitless, and that has always been my biggest struggle. It's amazing to continue to learn self loveand acceptance in such a welcoming community! Physically the progress is less drastic than last years summer challenge but I think that in and of itself is a mental hurdle I have been working through. Progress is addicting and when the physical progress is smaller I have had to push myself in other ways to still feel that same level of satisfaction.
Share some of the healthy habits you have formed during SSU.
I was staying with my parents for the first 5 weeks of the challenge with company in and out so I had to learn some serious discipline for myself. When you are taking steps to be a better version of yourself a lot of people with give you a hard time or try to make you feel like you are the crazy one somehow (???). With so many people and opinions flying around I had to really let go of what anyone else thought and own my fitness choices. I had the experience when it came to food choices and I had to be mentally tough and shake off comments and just know that I was making a better decision for myself. It was hard to be in that environment for so long and it really tested the habits I have been forming but I am so grateful to have been with my family for so long leading up to my little sister's wedding.
Did you ditch any unhealthy habits during SSU?
My husband and I have been focusing on eating plant-based foods for about a year, but during this challenge we kind of took the plunge and decided to be completely plant-based together. We feel great about the decision and it has been working really well for us so far! I don't know if that is necessarily ditching a "bad habit" but it has been a really big lifestyle change that we think will benefit our health in the long run and I have been having so much fun playing with new recipes and cooking techniques.
Did you use the app or any LSF guides during the challenge? If so, which ones? Share your experience!
I used both of the Hot Body Sweat Guidesand I love having those in my arsenal. Now that I have done them both so many times I love to jump around in them depending on my mood. If I am feeling really extra on a Monday I jump to the end of HBSG 2and find a leg and booty day and on the flip side if I need something a little less intense I jump back to HBSG 1and choose a leg and booty workout there! I have been loving the flexibility of that but it has still been so easy to know what workouts to do because I just have to flip to a page! Leading up to my sisters wedding I followed the Bridal Bootcamp Guideand I loved having that change! It was so great to be able to target "wedding dress specific" areas leading up to the wedding. Katie definitely knows how to get a girl wedding ready!
Jordan's 8 week Progress

We want to see even more amazing transformations for our next challenge. The LSF App, meal plans, and ultra-supportive communityare all waiting for you. And what are you waiting for? We want to hang out with you and werk it while we eat delicious recipes. That's #TeamLSFin a nutshell.
We're not done showcasing our super amazing LSF babes! This challenge was so amazing, and we want to take the time to share as many stories from each girl as we can. We had so much fun working through this series with our girls, and can't wait for the next one. We're so pumped up, and ready to continue working toward those #LSFGoals.
Jordan's Overall Progress

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