How To Take Control Of Your New Year's Resolutions


take control of your goals

With a new year around the corner, we need to seriously chat about how to take control of your goals.

Creating a routine has probably been the single-most game-changing thing for me. My routine is what keeps me focused and motivated. It's what has made it possible for me to be where I am today!

And if you're setting New Year's resolutions, a routine can be a HUGE part of making them actually happen in 2022.

Resolutions are all about dreaming and growing, and I know the word routine can feel like it's just doing the same thing over and over, but that's so not it!

A routine shouldn't feel like a rut. It should feel like being the best version of yourself.

I'll give you an example. During this holiday season, I want to be the girl who enjoys the drinks and treats at the holiday party and wakes up to slay her workout the next morning. My routine is what makes that possible for me!

So let's talk about how you can develop and use your own routine to take control of your New Year's resolutions./

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Get inspired to aspire

Okay, here's the thing. If you don't like your routine, you're not going to stick with it. So developing the right routine in 2022 is all about finding out what you actually want and how to work it into your day.

For me, this usually starts with doing some vision-boarding and manifesting.

Seriously, take some time to sit down and think about what your perfect year would look like. I've made our 2022 # GOALS Planner to seriously help you out here, so grab that if you already have it.

Your main goal shouldn't be to make some list of rules for yourself next year or a bunch of to-dos you feel like you need to check off.

Instead, cast a vision for your ideal life. What makes you really excited? What do you really want? Setting some aspirations that make you feel fired up gives you the motivation you'll need to take control of your 2022 resolutions!

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Moving from aspirations to goals

If you followed my story, you know that for literal years, I was stuck in Aspiration Land. And that's why I'm so into my routine! It was the thing that made everything click for me, moving from just aspiring to actually achieving my goals.

I've got a step-by-step guide that I used to make that transition, and I think you can use to it totally crush your resolutions next year.

Take Control of Your Goals

Step one: Plan

Okay, now it's time to take your aspirations and figure out how they'll actually look IRL. If you want to have more energy this year, what does that mean for you? Probably sleeping more, exercising regularly, and eating healthier, right?

Here's how to take control of your New Year's Resolutions and make them happen.

The thing about your goals — and I know that you've heard this before — is that they don't work unless you do.

This first step is all about figuring out what it will look like to live out your resolutions this year. And that means taking your aspiration and making it into something that's both realistic and trackable.

Setting a realistic and trackable macro goal for each resolution is a major step. But don't stop there.

Step two: Act

If you've been around a while you know what I'm going to say next: take your macro goal and break it into micro goals.

In my experience, each macro goal usually needs about five to ten micro goals. Going back to your resolution for more energy in 2022, your micro goals might look like:

  • Avoiding caffeine after 1 p.m.
  • Putting your phone away for the night at 9:30
  • Going to bed between 10 and 11 five nights a week
  • Prepping your meals on Sundays so you have healthy food for the week
  • Starting your day with the LSF Daily 10 workout

See how your micro goals might shape your routine? The thing about a New Year's resolution is that you need to make it stick. And your routine is the thing that makes that happen!

Step three: Achieve

With your micro goals in place, you should be able to feel like you're successful on a regular basis, maybe even daily.

Celebrate those successes! Keep track of your progress and share with #TEAMLSF along the way so we can help keep you accountable!

The more you achieve your micro goals, the closer you move to your macro goal. And, at the same time, the more you lay the foundation for a sustainable routine that will help prevent backsliding.

Keep going, girl! Use your LSF Planner so you can look back and see how much you've done. Then, give yourself some serious props! Take that day off or buy yourself that outfit. You deserve it!

As you keep achieving your micro goals, you might be surprised by how quickly you move toward crushing your macro goal. But the fun doesn't stop there.

Step four: Elevate

There's a fine line between being content and complacent. Once you get your routine in place, things will get a lot easier. But reaching your macro goal isn't a finish line. It's more of a benchmark.

Keep going! Keep building! Your aspirations will evolve as you do, so never be afraid to circle back to step on to set up a new plan. You might finish the year with totally different resolutions than you had when you started. As long as you keep moving toward the type of person you want to be, you're on the right path.

You can accomplish so much in 2022! I can't wait to see how you all take control of your New Year's resolutions!!

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