Basic Witch Workout


Halloween workout. Lazy Girl Couch Exercises

After a marathon day of working on the couch watching Hocus Pocus and drinking LSF Pumpkin Spice LattesI realized we totally needed a Basic Witch Workout!

These are some basic exercises you can do without getting of the couch!Every girls Sunday dream.Whether you're using a pumpkin, a pillow or just your PSL, you can easily strengthen and tone your body all from the comfort of your couch,

When you're done with this, make sure checkout the lasted episode of Sweat Anywhereon Facebook Watch! I took the workout to a pumpkin patch to show you just how easy it is to get a workout in no matter where you are!

The Basic Witch Workout

Crunch x20 reps

Basic Witch Workout, easy workout, couch workout, lazy girl workout, workouts, at home workouts, workouts at home, seated exercises

Sitting on the couch, lean back with a slight pelvic tuck. Engage your core to lift your knees toward your chest, lowering back down slowly.

Russian Twist x20 reps

Basic Witch Workout, easy workout, couch workout, lazy girl workout, workouts, at home workouts, workouts at home, seated exercises

Sitting on the couch, lean back while keeping your chest lifted and feet raised. Grab a pumpkin, or a pillow, for added resistance and twist right to left.

Tricep Dip x 15 reps

Basic Witch Workout, easy workout, couch workout, lazy girl workout, workouts, at home workouts, workouts at home, seated exercises

Sit at the edge of the couch with your hands flat, fingers pointing away from the couch. Slowly lower you booty off the edge, bending your elbows to 90 degress as you lower your hips toward the floor. Push into the couch to straighten your arms and lift your hips up and repeat.

Side Crunch x15 reps each side

Basic Witch Workout, easy workout, couch workout, lazy girl workout, workouts, at home workouts, workouts at home, seated exercises

Turn slightly to your side. Extend one leg long as you reach the same side arm overhead. Squeeze your oblique's (side abs) to bring your knee and elbow to center and then extend and reach back to starting position.

Toe Tap x15 reps each side

Basic Witch Workout, easy workout, couch workout, lazy girl workout, workouts, at home workouts, workouts at home, seated exercises

Sit at the edge of the couch, leaning back slightly to engage your abdominal muscles. Point your toes and light one foot off the ground and then the other. Alternating right to left.

Pumpkin Chest Press x 15

Grab your pumpkin in both hands and lean back into a comfortable position. Bring the pumpkin to your chest, bending your elbows out to the side. Exhale as you straighten your arms and press the pumpkin away.

Get Your Sweat On,

Or don't… Try these basic witch moves next time you're getting cuddly on the couch. I promise, if you do them correctly, you will feel those muscles working without breaking a sweat!

xoxo katie

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