10 Best Core Strengthening Moves


Core strengthening moves. Stay Lean, Mean, and Strong all Holiday-Season Long with my 10 Best Core Strengthening Moves you can do ANYWHERE!

If you've been doing the 14 Day Thanks & PlanksChallenge, you know just how important your core is and these moves will help keep it going strong!

While bikini weather might be a thing of the past, it's always the season for a strong core! And even though it's the time of year for parties, family, and food, that doesn't mean we just let all of our hard work go! So, I've got some tips to help you make sure your waist doesn't go to waste.

Get the Moves:

Hollow Body Hold

10 Best Core Strengthening Moves, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts
  • Lie flat on your back, contracting your abs. Really tuck your pelvic and push your lower back down into the floor. Your arms and legs are straight out from your body with your hands and toes pointed.
  • Slowly raise your shoulders and legs off the ground. Your arms and head lift up along with your shoulders.But make sure your lower back is still touching the floor. Push it down! Engage those abs!Round your spine, tuck your pelvis. Engage your booty!
  • Goal: find lowest position you can hold the arms and the legs in that gets them off the floor but keeps your lower back on the floor. Do not let your lower back arch!
  • HOLD this position (hence the name) for as long as you can. Think of it as a reverse plank. Start with 30 seconds and work your way up!

Oblique Jackknives

10 Best Core Strengthening Moves, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts
  • Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended out long.
  • Exhale, engaging your core, and bending at the waist to lift your legs and arms to meet in the middle. Repeat.

Plank with Knee Taps

10 Best Core Strengthening Moves, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts
  • Start in plank position (I prefer this as a forearm plank, since I think we tend to keep better form that way). Stack elbows directly under shoulders, and press your forearms into the mat. Push your heels away.
  • Engage your core and do not move your hips!
  • Loweronekneeto hover an inch above the mat.
  • Push through the heels to straighten leg into the starting position. Repeat on opposite side.

Forearm Plank Reach

10 Best Core Strengthening Moves, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts
  • Start in forearm plank position: arms forming an 11 with your elbows stacked directly below your shoulders and your forearms pressing into the mat.
  • The key here is keeping your core (and booty) engaged.
  • Reach your right arm out like you are going to shake someones hand, lower back down and then repeat on the left side.Hold for 30-60 seconds alternating right to left.

Thread the Needle

10 Best Core Strengthening Moves
  • Start in a side plank with your right forearm on the mat below your shoulder, stacking your feet on top of each other.
  • If this is too much for you, go ahead and drop your right knee onto the floor.
  • Left arm reaches up holding in a side plank. This will light up your core just holding.
  • Bring your left arm down and across (reach under your right side towards the opposite side of the mat). Squeeze and inhale to bring it up. Repeat 10x and switch sides.

I know this isn't an everyday kind of move. This may be the first time you're hearing of it, so here's a videofor you to peep and see the proper form.

Bicycle Crunches

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  • Lie on your back, bringing your hands behind your head (don't hold your head, just touch it lightly) and your elbows out wide.
  • Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle, engaging your core.
  • Lift your shoulders off the ground, while extending your left leg out long to hover as you twist your right elbow towards your left knee.
  • Switch sides and continue alternating right to left.


Begin in a tabletop position with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your knees below your hips with a neutral spine.

10 Best Core Strengthening Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts
  • Press your right hand into the mat, finding a firm foundation. Engage your core, pulling your belly button in nice and tight.
  • Lift your left arm out long in front of you right along your ear.
  • Exhale, lift your right leg behind you pushing your heel out behind and reaching your fingertips out far. Inhale and push a little farther out through the heel and finger tips.
  • Exhale and bring opposite knee to opposite elbow, curving the spine. Repeat.
  • After 5 reps on this side, switch- left hand as the foundation, right arm elongated and left leg long and bring to crunch. Repeat.

Here is a yoga flowthat is a great warm up or for an active rest day that includes the birddog.


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  • Lie face down on your stomach, extending your arms and legs. Keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Keep your arms and legs straight (but not locked), core engaged, exhale as you lift your legs and arms up towards the ceiling.
  • Hold for 2-5 seconds. Inhale and lower back down. Repeat.

Russian Twist (with or without weight)

10 Best Core Strengthening Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts
  • Sit on the floor, leaning back slightly. Keep your chest lifted and your core tight.
  • Lift both feet off the ground and bring your hands to center.
  • Twist side to side, while keeping your legs and upper body stable. Repeat.

Mountain Climbers

10 Best Core Strengthening summer shape up, free daily workouts, daily workouts, weekly workout schedule, summer shape up challenge, free challenge, at home workouts, workouts for women, lorna jane, love sweat fitness, hot body sweat guide,
  • Start in full plank position. Push the ground away, and peel your shoulders down and back, engaging your core.
  • Drive your right knee towards your left elbow and then step it back.
  • Repeat driving your left knee to your right elbow.

Move as quickly as possible!

If you work these into your routine (coupled with the Weekly Workoutsand HBSG), you will have a lean, mean core all through the holiday season and beyond!

Don't forget, there's all of this and so, so much more for you in the Hot Body Sweat Guides! And now you can bundle it up with our amazing savings of our Lifestyle Makeover Bundlewith the Hot Body Meal Planand The Guiltless Nutrition Guideso you're always fueling yourself to live your best life!

‚ô•Drop a comment below to let me know which one of these are your go-to moves and which ones are new to you. Give them a shot and I cannot WAIT to see all of your strong cores rockin' on Insta. Tag us so we don't miss your progress @lovesweatfitness and @teamlsf.

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