your healthy holiday routine
I know sticking to a routine during the holidays can feel overwhelming, but doesn't have to be. I am going to help you simplify your holiday routine so you can do the things you love this year stress-free!
For me, it's about making sure I schedule time for the things that are most important to me AND practice saying "no" to the thingsthat aren't.
Carving out time for your workouts, prioritizing eating healthy foods and following the prompts each week belowwill ensure you get the MOST out of your holiday season without burning out!
How to Build Your Weekly Routines
Ask yourself : What's important to me? Why is that important? How do I create time for it? Here is a printable guideline on how you can start to build your holiday routine

You'll also find a great printable for building your routine HERE. I want you to print this out and use it to plan your daily routine.

Your Prep Week Routine
I can't believe it's almost time to start the #LSFHolidaySurvivalChallenge!
During our prep week, I wanted you to focus on figuring out what was realistic for your holiday routine. It was about looking ahead, setting goals and figuring out what was most important to you. So you'll find the essentials to help you prep for the challenge & de-stress this week here.

Week 1 Routine
Below you will find all of the other additions I plan on making to my daily routine. Scheduling these into YOUR routine will reduce holiday stress and give you solid foundation! Get your week 1 printables here:

Week 2 Routine
What can I adjust or remove in my routine to make more time for them?
For week 2, I want you to cross out anything that isn't going to fill you up this week. Anything that won't leave you feeling stronger, happier or more confident has got to go. Get your printables here for week 2 routine!

Week 3 Routine
As we dive into full holiday mode I want you to stick to the habits you've been building this monthandfocus on 3 things:
Your Nutrition: =Plan your dinners. Prep your breakfast. Choose your treats!
Your Workouts:Wake up 15-30 minutes early to get them done. Break them up if you need to. Lean on Team LSF for encouragement when you're not feeling it.
Yourself:Take time for you! Get at least 15 minutes of self care each day. Set boundaries and keep them. Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Download your week 3 routine here:

You have toCHOOSEto make space for your healthy habits if you truly want them to stick. I can't wait to see how you will set up your healthy holiday routine! xo Katie
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