The LSF Fridge Makeover Challenge


Fridge Makeover.

Hope you enjoyed a few days of chill time, but it's time to get your game face back on for the all new Fridge Makeover challenge, starting September 10! The challenge will be 5 days long. You may remember the Motivation Challenge, and this one will be kinda the same, kinda totally different!

The Goal

Keep all that amazing Summer Shape Up progress you made but overhauling your fridge! It seems simple, but making sure your fridge is filled with healthy foods will majorly set you up for success. Also, pretty tough to meal prep when you don't have any ROOM! So this challenge will also help you clear the slate and make way for new habits.

We really believe that little changes like this one help your mindset change! By actually clearing away the past (like…you don't even remember what's in that jar at the back of your fridge. It might be from '08 tbh), you can trick your brain into opening a new chapter! Aka a lot less work in the long run.

How Does It Work?

Every morning, Katie will send you with your goal for the day and tips for how to do it. So you might feel overwhelmed now thinking about completely cleaning/organizing your kitchen, but NO girl! We're giving you all the info you need to break it up and make it easy. All you gotta do is read it, follow it, live it. By the end of the week, your fridge will be sparkling and your nutrition will be detoxed and ready to go for the busy fall season.


  • Sign up for LSF emails!
  • Check your email first thing every day.
  • Accomplish your daily goal! E.g. Throw out all your expired food!
  • Snap some pics along the way.

How to Win

Post about your daily goals every day next week. Show how you're making over your fridge (and maybe even your life!) with the hashtag #LSFFridgeMakeover so we can check it out. We'll be looking for the *best* before-and-after shot of YOUR fridge makeover, so we can't WAIT to see you out there glowing.

Get some friends in on it!

Babe, this is something the people in your life NEED. You know you have a few friends who are always struggling to figure out the healthy eating game. Share this graphic on Instagram (and hashtag #LSFFridgeMakeover) to share all the love!

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