Summer shape up. How. Are. We. Here? It's the final week of the LSF Summer Shape Up (tear) buuuuut think about what that means.
You've stuck to this thing for two full months and have created change from the inside out! You've made life-long friends who are here for you even after this challenge ends because we all love you and want to support your ALWAYS. And, you're one step closer to winning the grand prize trip to Cali!

Week 8
Together we can do ANYTHING and every day you show up and sweat it out you're getting stronger inside and out, and for that, you should be crazy proud of yourself!
Access the Free Daily 10 in the LSF app! Download on your itunes or google play stores.
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF YouTube Workout+ SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
Happy #LSFMadeItMonday!Do the final SSU workout on Youtube. Like and comment with your IG handle for a special something!
New Blog: How to Have a more mindful morning

Honestly, my morning routine has become the key to me being successful in achieving my goals everyday and it's not very complicated. Sometimes the smallest rituals can seriously make the biggest impact in your life. Go checkout this blogfor some easy tips to start!
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF App Workout + SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
Be extra and add 5 extra reps to the last set of each circuit today (6 if alternating sides)!
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF App Workout + SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
Check out our intermittent fasting tipsand try it out today!
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF App Workout + SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.

We're SO close! Push through and add 100 squats and 100 jumping jacks to your workout. Sorry, not sorry.
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF App Workout + SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
Treat yo'self to a skinny marg!
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF App Workout + SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
Go all out and add some extra weight to today's sweat sesh!
SSU Mini Motivational Challenge + LSF App Workout + SSU Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.

YOU DID IT!! Eight weeks down and you're stronger than ever! Keep those healthy habits alive and share one way you're prepping for the week ahead ( bubble bath, meal prepping, laundry, etc)!
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