Phone wallpapers. New Month, new vibe.
We're bringing you an all new look for you phone to go with your faster/better/stronger post-Slimdown bod. Here's to a new month!
This month is going to be busy. If you're not already RSVP'd for 1000 grad parties, I'm sure you're going to a bridal shower or two. Add weddings, end-of-school activities, sports games, Memorial day BBQ's…um, I have to stop, my head is spinning.
I'm gonna level with you: it's going to get harder to stay on track when you're crazy busy and hyper social. But we're gonna get through it with a little help from party muffinsand the LSF community?

So download this screen (just hold down on the image you want until the little "Save image" option pops up! Then go into your photos and select "Use as Wallpaper") and think of it as your constant reminder of how far you've come! Because with being busy comes a lot of checking your phone, and this screen will be there to help you stay on track. Better yet, you can think of all the OTHER #TeamLSF babes looking at the same exact thing on their phones, aka…
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