October calendar. Oh hey October! What's up.
You're here. We're here. 2019 is side-eyeing up big time. So much left to do and accomplish and experience. Sometimes the calendar can be a real B.
The Love Sweat Fitness philosophy is all about planning to succeed. The Hot Body Meal Plan and Hot Body Sweat Guide both give you the ability to plan every day ahead of time. Less guesswork means you need to muster less energy to get motivated. All you need to do is show up. It's the best! Thousands of women will tell you…this is how you finally achieve the results you've been waiting for.
Women like Hannah W. who says:
"I really love the simplicity and flexibility of the guide! It's easy to modify to my fitness level – up or down. I also really appreciate not having to do like 7 round of the same exercise over and over! Efficient and effective??"
Or Brittany…
I tried a similar workout "at home" program, but found it was too intense after week 1 to commit to. I battled depression this last year and finding my motivation to work out was even more difficult than before! I decided to give Katie's workout guide a try since I liked her YouTube channel. The HBSG IS AMAZING. So doable! Enough of a challenge that I get sweaty during my workout and feel sore the next day, but not so overwhelming that its difficult to get motivated to get it done. It has enough of a pattern to know what to expect, but she always switches things up so its not monotonous and boring. So worth the splurge! Thanks so much Katie!XOXO
To help you get started, and to help you visualize your HBSG workouts, we're bringing you monthly calendar templates for you to download, print out, and decorate. Nothing is going to get you where you want to go like a little visualization with a lot of focus. Go dive in to your guide, plan out your month, and visualize all the amazing things you're going to achieve in October 2018. Here is your October Calendar!

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