Here we go babes- week 3 of the LSF Booty Challenge!
You guys have been crushing the challenge so far and I am so excited to keep October moving with these killer booty moves!

Access the Free Daily 10 in the LSF app! Download on your itunes or google play stores.
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App + Booty Bonus
Don't have the app? Download now or try this workout on Youtube.
#lsfmadeitmonday:Hold a squat for 30 sec between each move.
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App + Booty Bonus
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall: Share your fav song from the booty challenge playlist!
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App + Booty Bonus
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall:Nothing but water for liquids today.

Why you NEED to wash your face post workout- it's so important! Plus my favorite cleansing tool! Check out the new blog post and let me know your favorite products in the comments!
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App + Booty Bonus
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall Add your favorite booty move to every round of the daily 10.
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App + Booty Bonus
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall:Make a big batch of the detox soup!

These Pumpkin Spice Energy Balls are sooo easy and are the perfect little bite of Fall! Snack on one to pump up before a workout or throughout the day to give yourself a little boost! Try it out!
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App + Booty Bonus
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall: Invite your basic witch over and make a #liveguiltless treat.
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCall:Foam roll all those squats out in the app!
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