How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine


Yoga workouts. Your mind and body will thank you…

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga, swisse, swisse wellness, wellness, how to get healthy, women's fitness, workouts for women

When I was first starting my weight loss journey, yoga workouts were my go-to. My focus was on FEELING better and yoga did it for me. Yes, the 110 degree room made my already sweaty body feel like I was torturing myself a bit, but I walked out of that studio elated every single time. It was challenging, but doable and the "Namaste all day" feeling was real. Yoga changed my fitness routine from non-existent to totally consistent.

Why I Yoga

At first I did yoga 1-2 days a week and walked/jogged 2 days a week, but the more I did yoga the more something inside me changed. Eventually I was taking class 3-4 days and running the other 2-3 days. Yoga ignited a passion for health and fitness and eventually is what led me to create Love Sweat Fitness.

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga, swisse, swisse wellness, wellness, how to get healthy, women's fitness, workouts for women

After becoming a PT, that passion grew more. I finally understood that mind-body connection teachers were always talking about in class. I could picture every little muscle working and moving as I breathed. I knew how and why my body did what it did and it was awesome.

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga, swisse, swisse wellness, wellness, how to get healthy, women's fitness, workouts for women

Fast forward to now and my love for health and fitness is still growing. If you look at my fitness routine, you wouldn't say " she's a Yogi", but I still practice yoga at least once a week. It allows me to slow down and get grounded. I can deeply focus on my thoughts and my body so when I jump back into my HBSG workouts, I'm more connected to every single movement I make.

Yoga works to strengthen and stretch your body simultaneously to rejuvenate and restore it from the inside out.

Namaste Right Here

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga routine, yoga, best vitamins, swisse, swisse wellness, australian, best supplements, why you should do yoga, yoga fitness, at home yoga

Last week Ryan and I headed up to LA for a Mindful Morning with Swisse Wellnessand it was exactly what I needed after a hard week of LSF workouts.

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga routine, yoga, best vitamins, swisse, swisse wellness, australian, best supplements, why you should do yoga, yoga fitness, at home yoga

Swisseis an Australian brand that recently launched here in the US and I'm loving their stuff. Australia has much stricter regulations than the US on vitamins and supplements which means their products are likely safer and more effective. I recently started using their Women's Ultivite multivitamin, Sleep (it has magnesium to help relax sore muscles too!) and Chlorophyll and have seen a ton of great benefits in my skinand overall energy.

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga routine, yoga, best vitamins, swisse, swisse wellness, australian, best supplements, why you should do yoga, yoga fitness, at home yoga

The mindful morning event was all about sharing the Swissemission which is to #CelebrateLifeEveryDayand help people live happier healthier lives which is what LSF is all about! There's nothing better than getting your sweat on with a bunch of people who believe as deeply as you do in helping others live their best lives.

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga, swisse, swisse wellness, wellness, how to get healthy, women's fitness, workouts for women

We kicked off the morning with a 30 minute flow outside, in the middle of a massive mall. You might think it would be totally distracting with people walking by, but it wasn't. If anything, I felt like we were encouraging everyone else to get moving!You know it's a good class when you can forget where you are and just flow.

How Yoga Changed My Fitness Routine, yoga routine, yoga, best vitamins, swisse, swisse wellness, australian, best supplements, why you should do yoga, yoga fitness, at home yoga

A beautiful day of moving breath to movement, stretching, twisting, balancing and just being still. It challenged my physical strength at moments, but more than anything, it challenged my mental strength. Sometimes slowing down and being still is the hardest thing to do, but to more you practice the easier and more fulfilling it becomes.

Now go get on with your bad yogi self…

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