At home workouts. Get motivated with #TeamLSF this week!
If you haven't heard, this week we are kicking off our first #LSFMotivation Challenge! The #1 thing I get asked is how to get, and stay motivated…because it can be really really hard! I promise you it doesn't have to be a struggle and there are simple things you can do that will help you get inspired, focused and totally pumped to set new goals and make change so you can reach them this time!
If you're signed up for the LSF Newsletter,you'll be getting an email each day with a video from me! I'm giving you girls my secrets to unlocking that motivation and inspiration and challenging you each day to dig deep and spend some time with the most important person in your life….YOU!
Let Me Be Your Accountability Partner!
To help hold you accountable this week, I want you to check-in with me on IGevery single day by commenting on whatever my latest post is. Like + Comment with???and let me know how you're feeling!
What's your goal this week? Cutting sugar? Drinking more water? Not going for that second portion of dessert? The best way to make sure you can succeed is to share it with your team so we can all help hold you accountable! Post a pic & share you're today on IG.
Make sure you warm up every day before you get your sweat on!
I HIIT Monday's
Workout Time (25 minutes)
Video x4 + optional HBSGW3D1
*HBSG girls, do this video 1x as a finisher
Abs + LISS Cardio
Workout Time (30+ minutes)
Video x2 + Your Choice LISS + optional HBSGW3D2
*HBSG girls, do this video 1x as a bonus before your sweat guide
Toned Arms & Sculpted Shoulders
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Video 1x +optional HBSGW3D3
*HBSG girls, do this video 2x as the arms part of your sweat guide workout
Toned Legs + Thighs
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Video x2 +optional HBSGW3D4
Bye Bye Back Fat Friday!
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Video x2+Optional HBSGW3D5
*HBSG girls, add this as a bonus to your workout!
Belly Pooch Burner
Workout Time (15 minutes)
Video 2x+Optional HBSGW3D6
*HBSG babes, do this 1x at the beginning of your workout today.
Active Rest & Recovery
15 minute Stretch Sesh+Optional HBSGW3D7
Ok so I just got a MAJOR new diagnosis from my Dr. and am doing a new vlog on it. Comment on my last IGpost with any hypo questions you still have so I can make sure to answer them!
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