Weekly workout. Wow! Christmas is already over?
We hope you had the merriest and brightest Christmas and spent some (well deserved) time relaxing with family and friends girl! Now that the new year, ahem… decade, is around the corner, it's time to kick it up a notch and get ready to reach all of those 2020 #goals! What better way to do so than signing upfor the REFRESH IN 21 CHALLENGE?? We are so excited to kick this off in just a few more days, so get signed up, we start January 1st!
Access the Free Daily 10 in the LSF app! Download on your itunes or google play stores.
Today's Workout:
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFMadeItMondayMake it a goal to clean out the fridge and pantry of processed foods and replace it with all the energizing foods you need for the 5 Day Detox.
Today's Workout:
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallLast day of 2019! Share your best memory from this year
Today's Workout:
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallHappy New Year! Let's start this 5 day detox off by sharing one big goal you have for yourself in 2020
Today's Workout:
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallMeditate for five minutes and remind yourself on all the amazing accomplishments you have made in your life.

Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallAnytime you have a negative thought spin it and make it a positive today! Share your thoughts at the end of the day

It's time to Refresh! Get all the deets on our Refresh in 21 Challengeand make sure to sign up ASAP to get your FREE 5 Day Body and Mind Detox!! We start on January 1st, let's do this babe!
Today's Workout:
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallTag 3 babes who are always there lifting you up and let them know how they have helped you on your journey.
Today's Workout:
Exclusive App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSFRollCallWrite out and share your top three compliments you gave yourself from today's self love exercise.Put it up where you will see it everyday of the challenge
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