weekly workout. Get your sweat on with your Week 1 Workout Schedule
Theseare brand new daily workouts for#TeamLSF! The two week challenges were great, but we want to give you MORE ways to get motivated to find your healthy, happy, Hot Body! Your week 1 workout schedule is going to tone your entire body because… bikinis!
LSF daily workouts are a perfect addition to your H ot Body Sweat Guide. You'll see faster, HEALTHY changes when you use them as a bonus! That means even more definition by July so you can rock those summer bods!
Get SUPER motivated!
Sound off on Instagramevery single day. daily check-ins keep you accountable to yourself and your team! Post your best sweaty selfie, delish healthy recipes, or anything else that inspiresyou! Use hashtag#TeamLSFand tag @lovesweatfitness + @teamlsf The moreyoupost, the more we can motivate and support you!
Check back right hereevery Monday to get your Weekly Workout Schedule and Daily Workouts so you don't miss a thing!

Mondays get a little cray! Start your week offright with a little self-love and motivation!
♥ Write down1 major goalyou want to accomplish this week.
♥ Take aFlexin' Selfieto remind yourself how strong and amazing you are!
♥ Poston your LSF instagram account{If you don't have one yet, check in your Sweat Starter LSF-SweatStarter-2017to see how to set it up} Share your goal for the week in the caption. Use hashtag#LSFMadeItMondayso we can know how to cheer you on!
Then do this quick tummy workout2-3x{Total Workout Time 20-30min}

It's a toned arms Tuesday! OMG these arm exercises are so legit! You're gonna love them!
Total workout time: 24min
2x {Total Workout Time 14 min}
2x {Total Workout Time 10 min}

Pretty sure the worst thing ever is when you do a crazy hardbooty workout and don't actually feel your butt working! It's super important to wake those glutes up BEFORE you get your sweat on!
Do these **NEW** Glute Activation Exercises to warm-up and get your backside ready to work!
Once your done, do this 2x{Total Workout Time 20 min}

It's almost the weekend so we're starting the party early and making today all about the song challenges!
Do each video 1x – It's like a dance party, but one that burns nasty little calories and makes you WAY strong!
1x each{Total Workout Time 20 min}

Fridays are for quick workouts that get the job done so you can get on with your weekend!
4x{Total Workout Time 20 min}

Weekends are a great time to get outside for your workouts! Take a hike, go for a walk or bike ride and enjoy yourself! While you're your there, show us where you sweat!
♥ Take a fun picture of you getting your sweat on! It can literally beANYWHERE! Somewhere random (ie. airport or baseball game), somewhere beautiful or just somewhere you love! Let's show everyone that all you need is YOU to feel strong and confident!
♥ Post your pic on Instagram and use the hashtag#LSFSweatAnywhereso you can share some fitspo with us!
♥ We will be on the lookout to share your postson the @teamlsf page too!
Do this workout 3-4 times, first thing in the morning, and you'll feel fit and strong all day long! Believe me… it will be the sweatiest 20 minutes ever

Meal Prep & Relax!
Today is a day just for you babe! Take some time to get your Hot Body Meal Plan meals set up for the week so you are ready crush your goals again next week!
These are a few of my FAVORITE healthy dinner recipes and the top 5 ways I like to relax!
Make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight! Tomorrow is a brand new day!
Didn't you LOVE your week 1 workout schedule? Get ready beauty, there is a whole lot more where that came from! Next week we are going focusing on those abs!
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