Glute workout. 3 Simple Moves to Wake Up Your Glutes!
Is your booty asleep babe? You're totally not alone. Most people have a tough time really feeling their glutes working. Even though they're your biggest muscle group, the glutes get super lazy and basically fall asleep. Wake them up with this glute workout!

A lot of it has to do with lifestyle. Since most people spend 8+ hours sitting throughout the day, their glutes don't get a lot of work.So lame, but the saying is true "if you do not use it, you will surely lose it."
Even with regular exercises that work the gluteus (aka booty) muscles if you don't activate them properly you can end up feeling less than bootylicious.
It's called Gluteal Amnesia. You can facepostural issues and definitely won't get the most out of your workouts without glute and hip activation. You've got to get them to fire up and wake up before you start your workout!

Try These Exercises to Wake Up Your Glutes
One of the most important things you can do to wake up your glutes is find a mind-body connection. You have to focus on the muscles your are trying to work.
Squeeze and engage the glute muscles throughout your day – in the car, walking around, and of course during exercises.
You have 3 amazing muscles ready to work. Try these exercises before starting your LSF Hot BodyBooty Days! Move slowly and keep your mind on you bootyand your booty on your mind
Bridge Hip Lifts
Dig your heels into the floor and push your pelvic toward the sky. Squeeze your buns at the top and pause for a moment before returning to hover.

Alternate between sides. Step-up pushing your heel into the top of a chair or other elevated surface. Think about squeezing from the back of your thigh all the way up to your butt.

Single Let Squat
Place a chair or other elevated surface behind you. Sit your hips back and down to hover. Dig your heel into the floor and squeeze from your glutes to come back to standing, squeezing again at the top.

Do 10-15 reps of each of these exercises. Make sure to do equal reps on both sides when doing uni lateral exercises (one side at a time)
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