Thanks & Planks | Week 1


Planks fitness challenge. I am SO grateful for you girls! It's pretty hard not to feel grateful every single day when I know I get to spend it with you!

You've gotta know just how incredible you all are, and if you don't, you definitely will after this challenge! Every day for the next 14 glorious days, I'm giving you something that will challenge you mentally and physically and give you all the #LSFplankful feels.

Get Everything you need to know to get started

The Thanks

You totally love when your friends buy you coffee, let you barrow clothes or give you a ride right?There's no use hiding it…You've got some awesome friends! It's nice to thank them in the moment, but actions speak louder than words. So, for the next 14 days we want you to dedicate time to show yourself, and your totally amazing peeps, just how grateful you are!

The Planks

Yea, totally what it sounds like. We're getting our plank on and your #TeamLSF is challenging you to get to a2 minute plankby the end of the two weeks! Sounds cray now, but don't stress. I promise you, if you stick with the challenge and commit to yourself and your team, you will totally rock it on day 14!

The Workouts

We're following the HBSGand adding these amazing workouts in to really kick those holidays lbs in the booty! TeamLSF is going to be lookin' fab as ever this season!

Each day you will add just 10 seconds, that's as easy as pie!Pumpkin pie, obviously.

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Download and share the printable above for the planks, but don't forget to check-in every day right here to get your full daily workout and see what your"thankful challenge"is each day!

thanks & planks, weekly workout schedule, weekly workouts, workouts, weekly, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, at home workouts, workouts for women

Commit to your Gratitude Check-ins!Post a pic (of anything!) on Instagram each day & use hashtag#LSFplankful +#TeamLSF. Posting helps you stay accountable, inspires all the LSF girls & gives you more chances to win theMAJOR PRIZE!!!

?Post your #LSFMadeItMonday goal/update on IG.

Gratitude Challenge

Write a love letter to yourself to open it on the last day of the challenge.

Plank Challenge

Hold a plank for 10 seconds

The Workout

Add these moves to your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

thanks and planks challenge, Thanks  daily workouts, thanks and challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Side Crunches x15 (Each Side)

, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Forearm Plank Reach x10 (Each Side)

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Tricep Push-up x15

thanks & planks, weekly workout schedule, weekly workouts, workouts, weekly, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, at home workouts, workouts for women

Gratitude Challenge

Who is someone you are grateful for today? Send them and text and let them know!

Plank Challenge

Hold a plank for 20 Seconds

The Workout

Add these moves to your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Heel Taps x20

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Diamond Push-Ups x10Make it easier on your knees

Detox Soup for your soul!

Have you tried this yet? It's my simple, go-to soupthat will cleanse your body from the inside out and leave you with all the cozy feels. You can totally add your favorite veggies to mix it up and make it your own too!

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Gratitude Challenge

Compliment 3 other #TeamLSF girls on one of their IG posts

Plank Challenge

Hold a plank for 30 seconds

The Workout

Add these moves to your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Thread the Needle x15 (each Side)

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Hallow Body Hold x15

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Break Dancers x10 (each side)

thanks & planks, weekly workout schedule, weekly workouts, workouts, weekly, Thanks & Planks | Week 1, at home workouts, workouts for women

Happy National "Take a hike" day! Today I'm challenging you to say "Take a hike!" to something in your life you know isn't serving you! If it doesn't add to your like and make you feel awesome, get it out! It's kinda like ripping a band aid… you just got to do it babe!

Gratitude Challenge

Write a note to someone you love and tell they why they're so special… And yes, a text totally counts?

Plank Challenge

Hold a 40 second plank

The Workout

Add these moves to your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Forearm Plank Reach x10 (each side)

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Oblique Jackknife x15 (each side)

Tricep Dips x15

Gratitude Challenge

Show your body some love! Try one of these recipes from the Guiltless Nutrition Lifestyle + Recipe Bookthis weekend and share it on IG so we can see!Use BOTH the hashtags #LSFplankful #LiveGuiltless

Plank Challenge

Hold a 50 second plank

The Workout

Add these moves to your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Boat Pose Twists x15 (each side)

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Plank to toe taps x15 (each side)

Squat Jumps x15

Gratitude Challenge

Show your "least favorite" body part some love. If you complained about your arms, booty, belly or any other part of your body today, do a 5 minute workout that will help you appreciate it! (on top of your weekly workout!)

Plank Challenge

Hold a 60 second plank. Yep, ONE whole minute! You've got this babe!

The Workout

Add these moves to your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout today or repeat the set 3x

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Army Crawlers x15

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

Single Leg Lunge w/ Fly x15 (each side)

Thanks & Planks | Week 1, daily workouts, thanks and planks, challenge, weekly workouts, free daily workouts, workouts for women, free workouts for women, at home workouts

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