Eliza's Amazing Transformation


transformation.Summer Shape Up feels like a lifetime ago…but hey girl, it wasn't!

And we need you to know the amazing transformation our winner, the amazing ELIZA, experienced in those eight weeks. This time of year has the potential to zap your motivation, so you need a little reminder that you still have time til the holidays to feel absolutely amazing. And just FYI everyone, Eliza is headed to Cabo in just over a month where she will be sitting by the pool looking smokin' in her bikini. Because good things come to those who sweat!

We did a little interview with our winner to hear her take on seeing results, showing up everyday, and being part of Team LSF. Keep on reading to find out the secret to her crazy success?

Eliza, you're a rock star. We could not be more impressed by how incredible you did with the Summer Shape Up, and we know the best is yet to come.

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