transformation.Summer Shape Up feels like a lifetime ago…but hey girl, it wasn't!
And we need you to know the amazing transformation our winner, the amazing ELIZA, experienced in those eight weeks. This time of year has the potential to zap your motivation, so you need a little reminder that you still have time til the holidays to feel absolutely amazing. And just FYI everyone, Eliza is headed to Cabo in just over a month where she will be sitting by the pool looking smokin' in her bikini. Because good things come to those who sweat!
We did a little interview with our winner to hear her take on seeing results, showing up everyday, and being part of Team LSF. Keep on reading to find out the secret to her crazy success?
Eliza, you're a rock star. We could not be more impressed by how incredible you did with the Summer Shape Up, and we know the best is yet to come.
Meet Eliza
Name: Liza Kosareva
Age: 20
Instagram handle: @eliza_lsf
How long have you been part of Team LSF?
I became a part of Team LSF with the start of SSU. Now, I'll be continuing my LSF journey with a Hot Body Sweat Guide – can't wait!
What is your favorite LSF workout to do? and What's your favorite workout video of Katie's?
One of my favorite workouts is the Barre Boot Camp– this one was in the SSU multiple times and not only I loved it, but it also showed how much I was improving throughout the challenge. I also LOVE all the videos, because they're short and fun and give you no excuses to not do them. If I had to choose one, it'd be the new Inner+Outer Thigh Workout.
What is your go-to LSF recipe?
It can be from Katie's IG or the blog—whatever!I love breakfast so my favorite one is Peaches & Cream overnight oats!! So good!
What is the hardest part of working out for you?
Trying out new difficult exercises. Especially with the SSU, when I first got the workouts I would get disappointed if I couldn't to the plank as long as someone else did, or 2 push-ups was the max number. However, with time I learned that I am improving every day and those 2 push-ups slowly turn into 5, 10 and then 20.
What is your problem zone?
Definitely my hips – I like the curves and wouldn't want to change anything, but toning the whole body, and especially hips is the goal.
Tell me the best 3 effects you have seen from using the LSF guides.
Making a workout a part of my everyday routine; looking forward to a new workout and getting excited about exercising; being proud of my body and what it can do.
What made you want to decide to join Team LSF?
I followed @lovesweatfitness for the longest time before I actually joined. I always enjoyed her pictures, videos and stories. But always thought I can't achieve the same results she did… until I saw that she had a huge team of girls doing it with her. One day I actually looked at the accounts of many LSF girls and their lifestyle transformations were the most inspirational and made me want to join them.
What is your best advice for other girls trying to start up a fitness routine?
Start it today. You're never going to start if you keep putting it off until Monday or next week or whatever. Even doing one @lovesweatfitness YouTube video a day will get you sweating and the results won't make you wait long.
What keeps you motivated?
My own small achievements. When I look back on the progress I made over the SSU – it's incredible. And not only in terms of my physical appearance, I am inspired by how many more exercises I can do, by how happy I feel after every workout. I now want to continue this journey and see what else I can achieve.
Anything else you want to share with the LSF community?
Always find time for your workouts! I found it so useful to set aside 10-15 minutes each day to workout. If those 15 minutes can become an hour – then do a longer sweat session. But if not, even what might seem like an extremely short amount of time will make a difference.
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