Free workout plan. Oh hiiiiii Summer Shape Up Week 4!
This week is so exciting because… "In 4 weeks you see it!" If you haven't already, after this week you will start to not onlyfeelstronger and more toned, but you'll start to see the changes in your body too! Take 1/2 way progress pictures abnd measurements at the end of the week and get ready to feel AMAZING!
**Follow the workouts below. The times and round are suggestions. If you need more time, take it! If you can do more rounds, do them! You do you! If you have the Hot Body Sweat Guide see the second option for your daily workout.
Workout Time (30 minutes)
Video x3
1 round + HBSGW4D1
NEW 100 Calorie Dance Cardio Workout w/ Ali!
**Video Posted to YouTube on Monday July 30th**
Time (30+ minutes)
New Video x4
SSU Bikini Ab Ladder +Video 1-2x + HBSGW4D2

Toned Arms + Abs
Workout Time (20+ minutes)
4 Rounds of the Hot Body Sweat Guide Workout Below?
HBSGW4D3 + NEW SSU Bikini Ab Ladder
This week is your time to see all of the amazing changes you have been working so hard for. So, I'm giving you an exclusive full day workout from the LSF Hot Body Sweat Guide! If you don't already have the guide, do this workout today. I can't wait for you to see how strong you feel afterwards.
Pssst when you buy your LSF plan w/ the amazing Summer Sweat Bundle Box, you are going tosave over $95!It's the perfect time to join the plan before the bundle deal is over.
Workout Time (20+ minutes)
Exercises Below x4
45 seconds each w/ 15 second break in between
HBSGW4D4 + SSU Bikini Ab Ladder

Standing Swimmers
Start standing with a slight bend in your knees hinging forward. Reach your right arm forward bringing your bicep to frame your ear and your left arm back along your side body. Switch and continue to repeat.

Lunge Jumps
Start in a lunge position with your right foot forward. Push off the ball of your food and jump up to switch legs, bringing the left foot forward. Land softly in a lunge position with your left foot forward. Repeat, alternating sides and moving as quickly as possible.

Bicycle Crunches
Lay on your back and bring your hands gently behind your head with your elbows out wide. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle and engage your core. Lift your shoulders off the mat and extend your left leg out long to hover as you twist your right elbow to your left knee. Switch sides and continue alternating right to left.

Sumo Squat Alt. Side Kicks
Start with your feet hip distance apart and your weight in your heels. Keep your chest lifted and your core tight. Sit your hips back and down as you lower into a "seated" position (like sitting in a chair). As you push through your heels, squeeze your glutes to come back to standing and kick out to the side. Repeat kicking to the other side.

Army Crawlers
Start in a plank. Lower down to your right forearm, then left. Push through your right hand, then your left, to return to full plank position. Repeat, starting on opposite side
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