Summer Shape Up Week 2


Free daily workouts. It's Summer Shape Up Week 2 boo! Each workout you do makes a difference.

**Follow the workouts below. The times and round are suggestions. If you need more time, take it! If you can do more rounds, do them! You do you! If you have the Hot Body Sweat Guide see the second option for your daily workout.

HIIT those Abs

Workout Time (25 minutes)

4 RoundsOR2 rounds + HBSGW2D1

Do the exercises below for 30 seconds each pushing as hard as you can.

Take a 30 second break before moving to the next exercise & between sides.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

How cute are these Lorna Janeoutfits!!?

Down Dog Crunch x30seconds (each side)

Start in a down dog. Shift forward to high plank staking your shoulders over your wrists. As you shift forward, squeeze your abs, pull your knee toward your elbow. Repeat.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Rainbow Twist x30 seconds

Start seated on the floor, lean back slightly keeping your chest lifted and core tight.Bring your hands together lifting arms up and over as you twist side to side.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Side Plank Hip Lifts 30 seconds (each side)

Start in a side plank position with your right forearm as your support and your right elbow stacked directly under your shoulders. Lift your hips up 2 inches, squeezing your oblique muscles and lower back to starting.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Mountain Climbers 30 seconds

Start in high plank.Engage your core and bend your knee driving it toward opposite elbow. Move as quickly as possible from side to side.

Bands a Make Her Dance!

Tomorrow we have our first workout with the LSF Booty Bandsand it's gonna be so good!! If you don't have yours yet, you can still totally do the workout, but your gonna want them in the coming weeks to take it up a level.Grab your 3 packwith a light, medium and heavy band in the shop.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 2

10 Min No Squat Booty

NEW Video Posted on YouTube 7/16

Time (30+ minutes)

Video x3


Video 1-2x + HBSGW2D2

Like & Comment with your favorite move on the video when your done!

Toned Arms

Workout Time (15 minutes)

3 Rounds of the Exercises Below


1 Round of the Exercises as Warm Up + HBSGW2D3 + Bikini Ab Ladder

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Walking Planks x16

Start in a plank. Step one hand and foot to the left and bring the right to meet it. Then move to the right. Alternate right to left.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Push-Ups x6

Start in a full plank position and keep your core tight as your lower yourself all the way to the ground to release. Press through your palms to come back to a starting plank position.

**Modify on your knees or with chest presses.**

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Tricep Dips x15

Start with straight arms, seated on the floor hips raised. Bend your elbow to lower yourself to the floor until elbows are at 90 degrees.Press into your hands to straighten your arms and come back to starting position.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Army Crawlers x12

Start in a plank. Lower down to your right forearm, then left. Push through your right hand, then your left, to return to full plank position. Repeat, starting on opposite side

Barre Bootcamp

Workout Time (30+ minutes)

Video x3


Video x1 + HBSGW2D4

Full Body

Workout Time (30+ minutes)

3 Rounds of the Exercises Below


1 Round of the Exercises Below + HBSGW2D5

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Fire Hydrants x15 each side (bands optional)

Start on your hands and knees with your shoulders stacked over your wrists and your hips over knees (like a table). Lift one knee off the mat to the side. Lower, repeat.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Oblique Crunch x15 each side

Come onto your side body with feet slightly in front of you.Engage your core to lift your legs up, bending your knees toward your chest.

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Bridge Hip Lift x20

Place feet hip distance apart and press heels into the floor. Tuck pelvic and press hips toward the sky engaging your glutes. Lower to hover & Repeat

summer shape up series, love sweat fitness summer shape up 8 week challenge week, summer shape up week 1

Ice Skaters x16

From standing, hop to your right foot and bring your left leg behind your right. Bring your left hand toward your right foot as you squat down. Quickly explode up and over to the opposite side..

Walk It Out..

Workout Time (30-60 minutes)

Your Choice LISS Cardio


Bikini Ab Ladder + HBSGW2D6

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