SSU Prize Runner-Up: Charlene Town


Charlene Townis such a fighter, and we love her LSF journey.

We've been showing off our gorgeous girls who challenged themselves for 8 weeks in our 2019 Summer Shape Up Challenge to develop a healthier lifestyle, exercise more and up their nutrition game. Using the LSF App, they got all of their favorite workouts to sculpt, tone and sweat. Most threw some delicious meal plansinto the mix, too! We want to showcase the amazing women who truly crushed this challenge and embodied what it means to be apart of #TeamLSF!

This is only the beginning of Charlene setting her goals and then crushing them. Charlene did the challenge while fighting Psoriatic Arthritis each and every day- now there's some inspiration for you! We are SO proud of you Charlene!! Follow her on Instagam @thesickfitchick_lsf

What motivated you to join us for #LSFSummerShapeUp? Have you done any LSF challenges in the past?

I have wanted to do a challenge with LSF since I saw your Sleigh the Holiday challenge last year!! My body was just unable to do them. I was nervous to do the challenge because it's so public and it's hard for me to admit even to my husband when I'm in pain and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish. But the yoga videos in the app were a lifesaver! And that yoga meditation video you did with Stevie changed my life. I use that mantra every morning when I do my morning yoga practice and have brought so much self love and acceptance towards my body and my life. So thank you for that!!

When did you join #TeamLSF?

I joined #TeamLSF August 2018 after I had my daughter. I found Katie's YouTubevideo about Laws of Attraction and talk about getting what you need! I have Psoriatic Arthritis pretty bad and it was really bad after having my daughter. But through Katie's videos and talking about the daily 10 I started moving my body for 10 minutes a day even if it was just stretching. Then finally in April I was starting to get on top of my pain levels and started working out. In May I took the plunge and downloaded the LSF Appand what a game changer!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!

Share some of the healthy habits you have formed during SSU.

I started doing yoga & foam rolling every morning and it helps my mind and body in SO many ways! I really became conscious about what I am eating and why. Ex: I used to add 1/2 an avocado, olive oil and eggs to EVERY salad because they are healthy fats… now I realize that they are ALL healthy fats and maybe just do 1 or 2 but that I don't NEED all 3! Also, I eat when I'm hungry and stop eating when I'm full. I know it should be easy… but it was a mental switch for me!

Starting fresh and changing your lifestyle isn't easy, but it's SO worth it. What was most challenging for you these last 8 weeks?

Cutting out sugar for sure!! Especially since my husband eats a cupcake every night. But I love it!! I don't miss sugar at all and feel like I could have some without getting sucked back into the routine of eating it every day!

Charlene Town

Through the challenge, Charlene started the journey to loving her body after struggling for years. We're right alongside her supporting her every step of the way. Thanks for letting us celebrate you, gorgeous babe!

We can't celebrate our LSF babes enough. That's why we're not done showcasing these amazing transformations. Stay tuned for the next one!

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