Grab your sunnies and suitcases because we are now boarding for our 2020 Spring Slim Down Challenge!!
This FREE 6 week challenge has everything you need to get fit, strong and bikini ready for spring! Bring on the sunny rays!
That's not the only thing to get pumped about… we are launching a brand NEW meal plan that you're going to need to get the most out of Spring Slim Down. Say hello to the 7 Day Slim Down!This planhas everything you need to reset and slim down. We are doing the 7 Day Slim Downweeks 1 and 6 together, and weeks 2-5 we are doing the Hot Body Meal Plantogether. You can't forget about nutrition girl! Grab your Slim Down Nutrition Plan, we take off on March 23rd!

Let's get ready for Spring!
6 weeks of targeted workouts to burn fat
Motivation and support from the LSF Community
FREE Slim Down Jumpstart ebook
Win your DREAM vacation (giveaway!!)
Healthy spring recipes
And so much more!!!

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