Sparkling Detox | LSF + Gerolsteiner


Gerolsteiner Detox. I've been talking about this challenge for a while and I'm so glad it's finally here!

Since I left forEurope last Saturday I decided to do the Gerolsteiner Sparkling Detoxchallenge a week early. The challenge officially starts TODAY (Sept. 12th), but I didn't want to miss it and figured, this way, I could tell you girls how it goes!

Thegoal of the challenge is to replace extraslike coffee with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water. No coffee and bubbly watermade me a little nervous about two things: caffeine headaches & a bloated belly. I finished day 5 of 5 and I can say with confidence I had nothing to worry about…

♥ Caffeine

Don't get me wrong, the challenge is all about adding healthy habits, but giving up coffee isn't something I take lightly. I know it's an extra so I give it up from time to time, but I still just love it. I thought I would for sure end up with a headache mid-day, but I haven't had one! I honestly believe it's because of the high mineral content in the Gerolsteiner water. It has Magnesium which contributes to energy and is a natural muscle relaxer; a huge bonus when ditching the caffeine.

♥ Bubble Bloat

I don't ever drink soda and the most carbonated thing I do have from time to time is champagne! i was nervous drinking a few bottles of mineral water a day would leave me feeling bloaty but it hasn't at all. Gerolsteiner Mineral Water is naturally sparkling, so even though the bubbles are refreshing, they feel lighter and not as intense as most.

It's been awesome not to rely on that cup of coffee every morning for sure. This challenge would be perfect to add to our last week of the 14 Day Slim Down! It will really help you focus on keeping your diet super clean so you can feel your best and finish strong!

sparkling detox, detox, challenge, gerolsteiner, sparkling water, 5 day detox

For five days, we will replace all of our drinks with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Natural Mineral Water. Don't worry …you'll still be eating full healthy mealsand can enjoy smoothies and herbal teas! It's really just about getting the things you know you shouldn't be drinking out for a few days and adding in the benefits of amazing minerals.

Comment below and let me know if you're in & join the Sparkling Detox Facebook Groupfor daily support throughout the challenge.


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