slim down. You ladies have absolutely been crushing Spring Slim Down for the past several weeks and we have been so proud to see your incredible transformations so far!
Can you babes believe that we are rolling into our LAST week of the challenge?! It has completely flown by and we are ending the last week together with a bang. We kicked off the first week of Spring Slim Down with the 7 Day Slim Downand you girls had some incredible results, so we are finishing the final week of SSD by doing the 7 Day Slim Down together again!
If you missed out in joining us for the 7 Day Slim Down during week one, don't worry girl! You can still finish the challenge + do the 7 Day Slim Down with us for the last week – it's not too late!! Get your 7 Day Slim Down HEREand check out what our amazing ladies in the community thought of the slim down!!

Courtnie Coppernoll aka @corkygetsfit
"This guide taught me so much in just one week. From balancing my ph with Apple Cider Vinegar, to new recipes that kept me full, it really has it all. I nearly lost 8 pounds, and I felt like the menu was SO GOOD! The Strawberry Shortcake and Maca Smoothie were more like desserts, not to mention the apricot chia pudding! The Slim Down Soup is my new favorite soup! These have become new staple recipes and helped me feel more confident overall with choosing and making healthy foods! In the end I felt amazing. More energy- like my body was clean from the inside out and my body had a huge transformation."

Shannon aka @life2bfit_lsf
"At the start of the 7-Day Slim Down I weighed 142.8 pounds and at the end I weighed 138.6! Easy meal plan to follow with delicious meals! So much support and encouragement from the LSF group on instagram! I've never been one to commit to anything and this allowed me to wake up excited to see what my workouts and meals were each day!"

Janine aka @theflipside_lsf
"After the 7-Day Slim Down I felt clean and healthier than ever! I lost 4 pounds and my normal bloated belly went down. I was definitely nervous in the beginning, but as the week went on it became easier. I absolutely loved the lemon chicken & apricot turmeric chia pudding! I would say go for it if you're in doubt. I will definitely be going back from time to time."
Carly aka @carly_l_lsf:"I had an awesome experience with the 7-Day Spring Slim Down Plan! I lost about four pounds! The recipes were all delicious and super easy to follow. I can't wait to do it again next week to finish Spring Slim Down!"
Emily Kenney aka @emilykenneyfit:I love the 7-Day Slim Down Plan! I wasn't expecting to lose weight going into the plan. However, I did see results after the seven days and I lost over a pound! I love how easy the plan is to follow. I really like how it does have daily meals listed but allows for some flexibility as well. There are many meal options and the meals all taste great! I highly recommend getting this plan.
We are SO proud of #teamlsf and can't wait to see even more of your transformations after another week of the 7 Day Slim Down!Grab yours hereand let's finish this last week together!
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