Learn And Help: Resources For Equality


resources for quality. To the LSF community,

To the LSF community,

I started Love Sweat Fitness with the mission of inspiring ALL women to come together to empower and motivate one another. To have a place where we can foster relationships, connect with one another, and create shared experiences to unite us. I've had the honor of watching it grow and am in awe of the incredible strength and beauty I see here every day. We are a community of diverse women, not just in the color of our skin, but across generations, continents, economic backgrounds and so much more. I am proud to stand with you all and fight against anyone who threatens that. I'm taking daily action to continue to educate myself and learn how I can be an even better ally and friend to everyone here. I want you to know you all have a place and a voice with #TeamLSF and TOGETHER we will create change.

I've been very mindful of what I've shared this week and have done extensive research into the causes i've shared because – like all non profit organizations i donate to – I want to be sure i fully understand the mission, see the work they've done, know how they spend the money, etc. So if you're like so many, trying to navigate how you can help make an impact specifically in the black community, this is how I approach any cause/organization before i jump in

  • Find a cause that is meaningful to you. One that resonates with who you are at the core and focus on that ONE to start. Do you want to support black women specifically? children? Families? Knowing that will help you find the right organization and "Where your focus goes, your energy flows."
  • Do your research! Take time to truly learn about what they do. What projects have they worked on? What does the research show? How does the organization spend its money? You also need to make sure you understand where there are needs so you know if you can help fill them with time, money, talent, or whatever else you have to offer.
  • Look for ways to impact your local community. Change starts in our hearts, our home, and our communities. You will have a bigger impact if you can find a local branch of the organization or a smaller organization getting started in your area. The needs are often much greater and you have the opportunity to work alongside like-minded people. Experience and exposure is everything when it comes to growing your heart and mind.

xo Katie

Here are different resources so we can take action and learn, together.

Justice for George Floyd: Petition to have officers involved fired and for charges to be filed immediately.

Color of Change: Color of Change is the nation's largest online racial justice organization. Helps people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us.

Donate to Black Owned Businesses: Many black owned businesses were destroyed due to the riots and you can donate specifically to help.

Education: There are TONS of incredible resources here organized by different issues.

The Conscious Kid: Creating Parenting and Education Resources through a Critical Race Lens.

resources for quality resources for quality resources for quality

Credit: Good Good Good Co., @goodgoodgoodco

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