LSF 30 winners
I legitimately get more proud of our LSF community all the time — and that's especially true of this LSF 30 Challenge. What a way to start the year! You gals came out of the gate swinging and I'm floored by how much everyone changed not just their bodies, but their entire lives in just 30 days' time!
If you finished the challenge, you should feel SO proud of yourself. By the end of January, you created habits that will help you be, look, and feel your best all year long. And that's what LSF is all about! Thank you for showing up for yourself and our community. It's so inspiring to see how many of us stuck with it through the entire month.
Speaking of inspo, we've got to talk about your challenge winners! These women are seriously incredible! Not only do their before and after pics speak for themselves, but they're also the sweetest, coolest people. I'd like to introduce you:
Melissa, @melissaa_lsf

Melissa joined Team LSF in the summer of 2019. She's got two beautiful gifts and an amazing husband. She works in HR, loves coffee and football, and is always down to try new things.
"After the LSF 30 Challenge, I finally felt happy, confident, and in control of my health habits again," she says. Melissa also says she's going to stick with her HMBP and working out 4-5 days each week. Not only is she dedicated to taking care of herself physically, but she says she's also going to keep journaling and doing her daily affirmations.
To keep herself on track, she's got a plan: "Checking in with team LSF and keeping my goals in mind — knowing that when I take care of myself I feel good!"
Runner Ups
Toni; @toneituptoni_lsf

Like Melissa, Toni keeps busy with her two kids —boys this time! — and husband. She loves going on adventures with her sons and walks on the beach with her husband. On top of that, she runs her own business. She started it in 2016 after getting let go of her job of a decade, and if that's not a testament to resilience, I don't know what is!
The LSF 30 challenge was Toni's intro to our LSF community — and what a way to start! She says, "I can't believe how amazing I feel (and look!) after only 30 days of working out and eating clean! LSF has changed the way I think and feel about food, which has been the most freeing thing of all coming from a girl who has literally tried every diet under the sun since she was 14."
She plans to stick with everything she learned during the challenge. What I really love is that when Tori's feeling down, she'll put on one of my YouTube videos to get herself motivated again. She also says, "Engaging and interacting with fellow LSF girls is the best and keeps me going!"
April; @april_teamlsf

We really saw moms come through on this challenge, and April is no exception. Not only does she have an 8-month-old baby girl, but she's also mom to a 3-year-old corgi. April's a married pastor and you can usually find her walking her neighborhood or savoring a coffee at one of her local cafes.
"I felt AMAZING after the challenge," she says. "I've had so much inner confidence radiating within since the challenge and have really been going after the goals I set for myself in my career and in health and fitness. This challenge really motivated me to take time for me since almost every roll call was focused on self-care in some way — and to find ways to move again after a very long break due to pregnancy and postpartum recovery."
April plans to stick with the 2-Day Detox for the first two days of each month to reset and keep herself on track. She's also using her HBMP to meal plan for each week.
April's got a lot of support at home — her husband is super encouraging, which I love! But she's also tapped into Team LSF. "Every time I pop on Instagram, I see major motivation with all the babes crushing their daily workouts and goals. That is just SO motivating and encouraging, and it makes me want to do the same. Any time I'm faced with a challenging workout, I always remember all the babes cheering me on and giving me major inspo, and that keeps me going!"
Heidi; @heidi_lsf

Heidi hails from New Zealand and works with her local elderly community. She's crafty and loves to diamond paint, cross-stitch, and more. She also enjoys reading and spending time in nature.
A Team LSF member since January 2018, Heidi says one of her first workouts was one of our vids.
"After the challenge, I felt strong, confident, and happy," she says. "I felt healthy again."
I absolutely love Heidi's new year's resolution, which was to choose herself this year. For her, that's meant drinking plenty of water and staying on track with her workouts. She's still sticking with her resolution and turns to the LSF community regularly. "My favorite part of LSF is the endless amount of support and love in the community — and making friends," she says.
Our Pink Heart Award goes to our girl, Angel! AKA @lsf_angel

Our Pink Heart winner for this challenge is Angel, who's also a mom! When she found LSF on YouTube in August last year, she says she had lost hope in finding a fitness program that works for her. We're so glad we could be a part of turning things around!
Angel says she felt amazing after the challenge. "I felt like myself again," she explains. "I was stronger, more motivated, proud, and consistently pushing myself daily!"
She said something else I really love, too: "I have completely changed my bad eating habits and now I eat to fuel my body and I never feel guilty about any meals or snacks that I have!" That's music to my ears.
Angel is still sticking with her new routine of waking up early and getting in her workout before she starts the day. "It really helps me stay on track when I see women from all over the world encouraging others and being honest about their ups and downs throughout their fitness journey," she says.
She loves that no matter her mood, she can find an LSF workout that fits. She's also using our daily inspirational quotes and journaling to stay on track.
Angel has a ton of great things to say about the LSF community, but one of her favorite parts is the support. "It's never a contest, it's never about who can do more reps, or sweat more, or have the most progress. It's just genuine love and caring as we are all on the same path, and we are ALL getting stronger and building confidence together!"
Aren't these women amazing? I am so proud to be a part of Team LSF with them!!
Our next 8-week challenge starts on March 14th!
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