Lots Of Love Day 4: Self Love Isn't Selfish


self love

Raise your hand if you love yourself. Do you also like yourself? If you just cringed, or you're having some trouble wrapping your mind around what that means exactly, you've come to the right place. Some of you babes out there have a hard time saying –or even thinking about—loving who you are. You may think it's too, like, self-absorbed. We want to let you know that, girl, self love isn't selfish! It's necessary. For reals. You need to be straight-up swooning over your damn self. And on Day 4 of our week-long LSF Self Love Challenge, we're gonna show you how.

self love

It's time to put yourself first

We know you're a busy Bey. And we're guessing you haven't been making yourself a priority lately-- if ever. We get it. The kids, the hubs, the job... They always seem to come first. And obvs, they're important to you, and they need you. But guess what? You need you, too. And TBH—if you don't start putting yourself first--you're gonna start feeling kinda empty inside and there won't be much left for you to give, periodt. So together, let's fill up your cup!

First of all, let's just breathe. We need to relax so all those toxic thoughts preventing us from really seeing how special we are can get the F out. When you exhale, watch them leaving your bod--like a damn poltergeist. Oh, and if you haven't already, download our Self Love Workbook. We'll help guide you through 7 days of self-reflection, daily journaling, printables, tools for healing, and the step by step on falling in love with YOU! OK so we're gonna get after it. Let's explore why, for cripes sake, we don't make time for ourselves. Now, I want you to head on over to the LSF 'Gram and share four ways you're going to make your cup floweth over. How will you put YOU first? Go ahead and be extra. And don't forget to use the hashtag #LSFLotsofLove

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