inspirational quotes. Thanksgiving day is the best, I love being around my family and friends who care about me, and I love having a traditional turkey dinner!
And guess what…Iloveenjoying all the turkey and mashed potatoes and pie that I want. Because I nourish my body well and I am an active person, and holidays shouldn't be crazy stressful. They should be about kicking back and living guiltless. Duh!! That's why we made the Guiltless Nutrition Guide. AND why we wrote the post on Healthy Thanksgiving recipes.
There are 364 other days in the year, and this is me giving you permission to just rest. And if you need a little reminder this season, post one of these quotes on Instagram to remind yourself (and remind your friends!!) of a little healthy perspective. These inspirational quotes are my go to when I'm feeling like I need a little extra encouragement.
Quotes to help you #LiveGuiltless
On Gratitude
Raise your hand if you love seeing a transformation photo ? I am a huge fan of taking before pictures to see where I used to be, but also a reminder that I am moving forward. Look at how far you've come and give yourself a hug, girl, you deserve it.
When you feel like you're backsliding
This quote goes hand in hand with the one above. Maybe you're feeling totally overwhelmed when you think about your end goal, but you are so much closer than you realize! Each day is a step forward and one day you will wake up and realize that you are where you always wanted to be. Don't let yourself get discouraged, you are crushing it.
On comparison
This is one of my favorite reminders right now, I am not in a competition with anyone, I am just working towards being my best self.
On defining your own beauty
You are beautiful! Did you hear that? You should know just how beautiful you are, so wake up every morning and tell yourself. Instagram can't tell you what is beautiful, neither can magazines or TV shows or anything else. Only you get to decide to feel beautiful, but I'd be happy to help remind you too. ?
When you need positive momentum
Let's have the first thing we think about in the morning set the course for the rest of our day! You've heard me preach before setting the right vibe at night, well samesies for the morning. Energize yourself with good music and remember that you rock! Mayyyyyybe consider sticking this quote on your mirror so it's also one of the first things you see when you wake up.
On breaking the pattern
Maybe just by being a part of the LSF community you are taking a step out of your comfort zone and for that, I am so proud of you. I've said it before; your comfort zone is no place for growth. So let's focus on pushing our limits so we can reach goals we didn't think were possible.
On giving yourself grace
No one is perfect! We are all going to have days when we do great and days when we decide we'd rather stay in our sweat pants rather than sweat it out. That's OK! Don't get down on yourself when you need to take a time-out. You are doing good work and feeling guilty doesn't do anyone any good.
The power of now
It seems like we are always worrying about things we have NO control over, and getting complacent about the things we actually CAN change! Let's break the cycle. Let's commit to tackling the things we can improve — like our daily habits, our emotional reactions, our attitudes — and letting go of both yesterday and tomorrow. You only get to impact TODAY, so don't beat yourself up about yesterday (whether it's the extra slice of Thanksgiving pie, or the missed workout) and don't panic about tomorrow. Team LSF is about embracing your "now" and living guiltless everywhere else.
Look. This time of year is LITERALLY crazy. But you are so much more than your body, and so much more than food, and nothing you eat or do in this season will change your worth. If you don't believe that FIRST, no other changes you make to your health and fitness will make a difference.
If you're still feeling a little disoriented, the LSF plans are designed to help you navigate your day-to-day life. And the Guiltless Nutrition Guideis specifically DESIGNED to help you approach your favorite comfort foods with a healthier twist! You shouldn't walk away from ANY meal feeling bad about yourself, but if you're still kinda new to self-love, cooking up a healthier meal will make the process a lot easier.

Get yours todayand get all the healthy options for the holiday!
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