LSF Fit Travels: How To Pack For A Long Trip


Pack for a long trip pack for a long trip. The struggle is real when it comes to packing for a long trip.

I'm getting ready to head off to Spain & Portugal for about two weeks and am feeling a little overwhelmed with how to pack. I want to bring EVERYTHING!

Ineed workout gear, dresses, rompers, bikinis, sandals, wedges, shorts, tops and… is there even anything left? Now it's about figuring out how to get it all into one reasonably sized suitcase.

No matter how much I travel I still get anxiety about packing everything I need without over-doing it. I don't know that it will ever be "easy," but I have figured out some ways to help simplify it.

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  • Know Where You're Going: The last thing you want to do is pack a bunch of heels when you'll spend most of your day walking and wobbling on cobble stone streets. Do you're research and be realistic.
  • Mix and Match:Dresses and rompers are my favorite because they are a whole outfit in one! They're easy to takefrom touring, to the beach and even out to dinner. It keeps it simple. If you plan on bringing pants, shorts and shirts, bring a few of each you can mix and match to make several different outfits out of them.
  • Roll Out:Rolling up your clothing will save TONS of room. It also helps minimize wrinkles!
  • Try It On For Size:Make sure you try on every single outfit you plan on brining before you pack it so there are NO surprises. I also like taking pictures of them so I can remember how I putthem together and not waste precious adventuring time
  • Take What You Love:Just because you're traveling doesn't mean you should leave behind your favorites. My regular hair, make-up and skincare products are always a priority.

At the end of the day, just be real about what you will and won't actually use and remember, if you forget something, you can always get it along the way.

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I'm heading out this Saturday and will besharing it all with you girls!I'll be documenting my weight before we go and showing you what I'm eating, drinking and doing to stay on track along the way. Believe me…I indulge and let the champagne flow on vacation, but it's all about balance. My goal is to come back the same weight I left.

I'll be following my tips for staying fit while traveling, doing my LSF workouts and sticking to my normal eating as much as possible.

Keep an eye out for weekly updates here & tons of pics on IG {@LoveSweatFitness} and SnapChat {LoveSweatAndFit}


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