Holiday Workout Challenge


It's time for…

Holiday workout challenge!

If you've downloaded your free Sweat Starter Kit for the Sleigh the Holiday Workout Challenge, you have everything you need to get started with the LSF Sleigh the Holiday Challenge, plus a bunch of easy & delicious season inspired recipes that I know you're going to LOVE preppin' for the holidays! But we want to make sure that getting ready for this commitment is FUN!! So here's a little mini-guide to prep for Sleigh the Holiday.

The Prep Steps

Prep Your Meals

Start today! Meal prepping is the most important tip for staying on track with your goals. The LSF Nutrition Plan is designed to help you up-level your nutrition. And you'll get some key resources. The 4 Week Hot Body Meal Plan helps you findyourbest eating plan.And the Guiltless Nutrition Lifestyle + Recipe book? Endless recipes, healthy swaps, meal prep tips, and ideas for healthy living. So if you're really trying to see change? Start here.

Plan your daily sweat

Doing your LSF Daily 10 is what creates new fitness habits in your daily routine. You'll finish 2018 strong and CRUSH your wildest dreams in 2019. No matter how many holiday parties, cookie exchanges, and get-togethers you have on the calendar…you DO have ten minutes a day. Committing to show up (even for that short time!) is the key (because guess what! You'll almost definitely do more than ten minutes once you're there). Best part? I design the LSF Daily 10 to be as effective as possible in just ten minutes a day.

Think about Leveling Up

If you're ready for even more change and even more amazing results, you gotta get on that Hot Body Sweat Guide life!! I strategically designed these circuit workouts in my 3:! LSF method. This way is insanely effective, and super efficient — only 30 minutes! — and you will see fat burn and muscles grow. You'll burn up to 350 calories in just 30 minutes, leaving you feeling amazing and seeing results faster than ever. And they're FUN!

Make time for YOU

Set your goals and write them down! Take a few minutes today to journal and set your intentions for the next 5 weeks. How do you want to feel at the end of it? What changes are you hoping to see? This challenge is about WAY more than just working out more and eating better than you did last year. It's about learning to show your gorgeous body all the love it deserves and feeling confident from the inside out so you can enjoy the holiday season and #liveguiltless

The Key Details…

Aside from the big-picture stuff, you are going to want to get ready with your before pics and your gear!!

Transformation pictures

Because you're gonna want to document that #transformation. The best way to do this is to take a "before" picture now, so you can get that hottie "after" pic at the end of this thing. These can be tricky…so here are my rules-of-thumb to snapping the transformation pics.

  • Lighting is everything. Try and find natural light and angle your body toward it.
  • Stand in front of a simple backgroundso you can really see your beautiful self! Selfies can totally work, but you can also recruit your bestie to help (or maybe try a DIY an iPhone tripodif you're crafty like that…).
  • Snap one from the front, one from the side, and one from the back. Work those angles, girl!
  • Keep track of the details.When you take your "after" pic in a month, you'll want to be in the same lighting, with the same background, in the same outfit. That's the best way to really SEE the changes before your eyes.

See the diff between the two "before" pics below? (They're both me!) Lighting, clothes, and getting that smiling face in there make a big difference.

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