Get An Abs Workout At Your Desk


abs workout at your desk. It's the ultimate lazy girl workout — you don't even have to stand up!

Juuuussst kiddinggggg, we know you might be just swamped at work right now. An abs workout at your desk might be the perfect solution!

Print this baby out and keep it with you for a no drama ab workout anywhere, anytime.

If you want to see all these moves in real time, we have a video of this workout too! Check it out here.

Get a Flat Belly

The most effective way to get a flat stomach quickly is to make sure you are always tightening your stomach muscles, pulling them toward your spine. If you consistently engage your core, you will see results in your abs a lot faster! And you don't even need to be doing a workout for this – you can pull your stomach in even if you're just sitting down working!

Stomach Vacuums

Stomach vacuums are another way to flatten your stomach and see changes to your abs. And they're exactly what they sound like – suck your stomach in as hard as you can for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat this process, and try to hold longer every time! You'll see your belly area slimming down before long.

Looking for more? We have tons of workout printables and other fun good things HERE!

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